Kyphosis, lordosis, scoliosis

The evolutionary process has made its own adjustments to the structure of the human spine. During the transition to upright posture, the spine formed curves, thanks to which it became …

Yoga to help the spine

Diseases of the motor system, in particular the spine, are among the diseases of civilization, since with a sedentary lifestyle, work, and in general with the “conveniences of civilization”, the …

Causes of brittle bones in osteoporosis

Throughout a person’s life, processes of destruction of old bone structures and the formation of a new one ( bone remodulation ) constantly occur in the bone tissue. During the …

Lumbar hernia. Folk methods of treatment

Many people suffer from a serious illness – lumbar hernia . An unpleasant disease can be detected not only in the elderly, but also at a young age. Due to …

Home exercises for children with flat feet

Exercise “skating rink”: you need to take a rolling pin, ball or bottle so that the child, sitting on a high chair, alternately first with one, then with the other …

Back pain during pregnancy and childbirth

Among pregnant women, the fear of back pain is extremely common. This unpleasant symptom can be a signal of the appearance of diseases such as osteochondrosis, herniated discs, etc. Is …

How to correct posture (strength exercises)

In the gradual development of stoop, the primary role is played by the load on the posterior bundles of the deltoid, trapezius and rhomboid muscles, therefore, in order to correct …