Problems of the cervical spine

Modern diseases of the musculoskeletal system are getting younger every year. Osteochondrosis of various parts of the spine is increasingly found in schoolchildren, students, and young professionals. The most vulnerable parts of …

High potassium foods

Among the many trace elements that we always hear, a significant place belongs to potassium. Even people who do not have special knowledge in the field of medicine know that this …

What does a neurologist treat?

The profession of a neurologist has a fairly broad profile. This specialist is involved in the diagnosis and treatment of various diseases affecting the autonomic nervous system. Violations requiring an appeal …

Why does neck pain occur?

Despite the vulnerability and fragility, the cervical spine is responsible for vital functions. In addition, it contains the most important structures and consists of 7 vertebrae, characterized by increased mobility. This, combined …

Lumbar pain while walking

Some symptoms that arise at the level of sensations should not be neglected, because they help us in time to identify the beginning of serious pathologies. Pay attention to pain and …