Modern orthopedic procedures

Orthopedics in Israel is at the highest international standards. In orthopedic clinics of the state, all departments are equipped with a variety of modern medical and diagnostic devices. The medical staff is …

Diagnostics and treatment of spinal hernia

First, let’s find out what constitutes an intervertebral hernia. So, this disease consists in displacement of the deformed intervertebral disc and rupture of the annulus fibrosus. A hernia affects the nerve endings, …

The spine and its diseases

The human spine is a system of the human body that is unique in its functions, the role of which is difficult to overestimate. The spine is the main axis of …

Ultrasound of the spine

For several decades, ultrasound examinations have been used as a modern and safe diagnostic method. Meanwhile, until recently, the procedure was carried out only for the study of internal organs. The reason …

Spinal diseases

Unfortunately, many in their lives missed the stage of raising a healthy person and at the moment have already faced a number of chronic diseases of the musculoskeletal system, such …

Back massage

The best body-strengthening treatment is massage. It is strongly recommended by doctors, even to infants. It is useful not only for infants, but also for people of any age, unless there are …

What is manual therapy

It is difficult to meet a person who would never complain of back pain. Almost everyone at least once grabbed his lower back after a seemingly insignificant load. Alas, scoliosis and impaired …