
Spine ( columna vertebralis ; synonym for the vertebral column). It is an axial skeleton, consists of 32-33 vertebrae (7 cervical, 12 thoracic, 5 lumbar, 5 sacral, connected to the sacrum, and 3-4 coccygeal), …

General ideas about posture

Let’s consider the definition of posture and the basic concepts associated with this term. So, “What is posture?” In the most general sense, posture is the habitual upright posture or the …

Spinal cord blood supply

The blood supply to the spinal cord is carried out by the anterior and paired posterior spinal arteries, as well as by the radicular-spinal arteries. Located on the anterior surface …

Osteoporosis? Problems – delivery!

A ninety-five-year-old woman walked calmly down the sunny Tel Aviv street to her home. And suddenly she jerked awkwardly and, with a loud gasp, fell to the ground. Then everything happened as …

Pregnancy: when your back hurts

It is known that during pregnancy, all the functions of a woman’s body are forced to work with increased stress, ensuring the correct development of the baby. It is not surprising that …

Your back straight!

A stooped person with a bowed head looks like a loser and a mumbled. These words, spoken in time, the child can remember for life. And they will seem to him more …

5 minutes for office back

Do you want to have strong muscles and a healthy back, but at the same time you have a sedentary job and do not have enough time to go to …

Means used for massage

For the prevention and treatment of various diseases, special ointments are used that have a positive effect on muscles and tissues due to the components they contain. Anti-inflammatory ointments include …


Scoliosis is a reflex reaction of the muscular apparatus. Providing giving the spine a position that contributes to the displacement of the root from the place of maximum protrusion of the …