Symptoms of Lumbago

Lumbago is a sharp pain in the lower back, similar to seizures. Lumbago occurs mainly on the basis of osteochondrosis. The disease develops unexpectedly after some specific movement of the spine, for …

Spinal diseases

According to statistics, spinal diseases are the most common. After fifty years, diseases of the spine can serve as one of the main causes of disability. Some scientists believe that diseases of …

Carpal tunnel syndrome

The carpal tunnel syndrome is pain in the hand, in particular in the right, which occurs due to prolonged use of the computer keyboard. For some time now, carpal tunnel syndrome …

Lumbago treatment

Lumbago is a sharp pain in the lumbar region, probably familiar to many. An exacerbation of lumbago is expressed in severe and sudden pain in the lumbar region, which then begins …

Pain in the lumbar

Pain in the lumbar spine, in the medical language of lumbago, is paroxysmal backache. Most often, the cause of pain in the lumbar region is osteochondrosis. The development of the disease is …

Childhood scoliosis

Scoliosis is a curvature of the spine. Pediatric scoliosis in modern orthopedics is an extremely common disease. Children’s scoliosis is considered a relatively young disease, since its onset marks the second half …

Carpal syndrome

Carpal syndrome is a pain in the hands in the wrist, which most often affects the right hand. The cause of carpal syndrome is prolonged work at the computer – with …