Osteomyelitis of the spinal column

Osteomyelitis of the spinal column is considered a relatively rare, severe, life-threatening, difficult to diagnose and difficult disease to treat. We observed 92 patients aged 6 to 73 years (the …

Spine statics and biomechanics are normal

Diagnostics of vertebroneurological syndromes, manual and reflex therapy techniques require knowledge of the structural and functional features of the spinal column and adjacent tissues. The spine has at least four functions: …

Health starts with posture

In winter, we spend more time at the computer and less often go on vacation. Secretaries, operators, translators, designers – this is not a complete list of professions that have one …

Orthopedic products

Normally, the foot is not flat at all, because powerful ligaments and muscles form two arches – longitudinal (along the inner edge of the foot) and transverse (between the bases …

Pain in the cervical spine

We all know the unpleasant pain in the neck. Sharp, sudden pain or a feeling of pulling, aching pain, or perhaps just daily discomfort: it doesn’t matter how you are suffering. The …