Harm Heels

Every woman at least sometimes puts on high-heeled shoes. Of course, women’s legs, decorated with high heels, look much more spectacular, but not every woman thinks about the consequences of wearing …

Causes of neck pain

The causes of neck pain can be of a different nature, ranging from mechanical damage to internal or external tissues, and ending with the presence of a tumor or systemic …

Calve’s disease

Calvet’s disease is a disease of the spine in which aseptic necrosis of the body of one or more vertebrae occurs in the form of its deformation and a decrease …

Life with back pain

Back pain is a constant companion of people with osteochondrosis. In this disease, a person suffers from intervertebral discs, as a result of which the intervertebral foramen are narrowed and the spinal nerve …

Radicular syndrome

Radicular syndrome is a lesion of the spinal nerve in the root, in the place where the nerve is separated from the spinal cord and leaves the spine. Nerve roots are …

Musculoskeletal system treatment

Timely detection of problems and treatment of the musculoskeletal system is a crucial task. Being a skeleton for the whole organism, the ailments that occur in ODE are automatically reflected in other organs …