Ligament implantation – treatment features

Osteochondrosis of the spine is a consequence of a prolonged negative effect on the bone structure. A sedentary lifestyle, various injuries of the back and neck, excessive physical exertion – all this destroys the integrity of the vertebrae and intervertebral ligaments. In the absence of competent treatment of dystrophic processes, restoration of the bone structure may require specific surgical procedures.

In this case, we are talking about installing binding components in the spine. As a rule, the implantation of ligaments connecting the vertebrae is carried out after recognition of their own connective tissue as incapable of recovery.

Types of implantation

The main methods of surgical treatment of a defective segment of the spine are auto- or alloplasty. The first type of operation is based on replacing the destroyed segment of bone or connective tissue with the body’s own “resources”. While the second type of surgical intervention allows the installation of foreign elements designed to replace damaged vertebrae and / or ligaments.

The appointment of each type of treatment is preceded by a radiographic examination of the spine. In some cases, a more extensive examination and MRI scan is required. This condition is necessary because the doctor must make sure that there are special pathological conditions that cannot be corrected without introducing structures into the bone segment, such as implantation of ligaments of the spinal column.

Ligament implantation is a complex, multi-component type of operation. Its implementation is impossible without comprehensive knowledge of the patient’s health status. Of great importance for the successful conduct of surgical procedures is the general condition of the spine, its degree of wear, and affection with dystrophic processes.

When is the operation indicated?

Specialists identify a number of possible violations requiring surgical intervention. One of them is called rupture of the interspinous ligament.

Most often, lumbar segments of this type of connective tissue are destroyed. The patient experiences sharp pain during a change in body position (flexion, extension), feels the inability to independently raise the body from a sitting or lying position.

Treatment of rupture of the interspinous ligament requires alloplasty. The duration of the recovery period can vary from 2 months to six months. A mandatory point in the rehabilitation period is the gradual implementation of a cycle of gymnastic exercises prescribed by the attending physician.

Rupture of the supraspinatus ligament is often restored by applying a plaster corset. The term of “motionless” treatment can last up to 3 months. In this case, the patient’s age, the progression of osteochondrosis of the bone column, the presence of chronic diseases of the joints, blood vessels are of particular importance.

If developed dystrophic processes in the spine are detected, this type of restoration is often replaced by auto- and alloplasty. The choice of type of operation depends on the state of other elements of the spinal column, traumatic risks (athletes, instructors, rescue services). In this case, ligament implantation is carried out due to the intrinsic elements of the bone structure or artificial components.

At the end of surgical treatment, patients are often prescribed a course of anti-inflammatory drugs, painkillers, and a cycle of physiotherapy. Strict adherence to the doctor’s recommendations, avoiding the possibility of traumatic effects on the spine – allows you to return to a full life in the shortest possible time.

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