If osteochondrosis sufferers learn to sit, stand, lie, then they can prevent the pain … “Entered in the lower back”, “backache”, “severe back pain, giving up in the leg,” – …
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If osteochondrosis sufferers learn to sit, stand, lie, then they can prevent the pain … “Entered in the lower back”, “backache”, “severe back pain, giving up in the leg,” – …
How to get rid of cervical osteochondrosis? The question is especially relevant for people leading a sedentary lifestyle. The disease is accompanied by unpleasant external manifestations and is fraught with …
According to the WHO, about 500 thousand people are exposed to spinal injuries every year in the world. At the same time, men of 20–29 years old and over 70 years …
Almost everyone is familiar with back pain. Such ailments, such as sciatica, lumbago, – very frequent causes of temporary disability, especially among people engaged in physical labor. Most often, back pain is …
Flexibility, joy of movement, quality of life – we lose all this when faced with a diagnosis of osteochondrosis. Physical culture with osteochondrosis is a wonderful complex aimed at increasing flexibility, …
Carrying a child – a test for the female body. Against the background of the growing burden on the expectant mother, old diseases are aggravated, new illnesses appear. We will …
Ankylosing spondylitis and diagnostic errors: time to stop the disease pain is one of the most common complaints of patients referring to a neurologist. One of the most “popular” diagnoses, …
For those suffering from chronic diseases of the lumbar and sacral spine in order to train the muscles of the body, strengthen the spine, improve its functions, we recommend special …
The results of a study conducted by the Kennedy Institute of Rheumatology, London Imperial College under the guidance of Irina Udarava, may be useful in creating new drugs for the …
Much has been written about allergy, but even with an abundance of information there are some questions about this serious disease that parents ask most often. Parents are interested in how …