Laser therapy an alternative treatment for osteochondrosis

Disability associated with the pathology of cervical and lumbar osteochondrosis is currently a serious problem. The most widely consumed type of medication is non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) and corticosteroids, which often cause serious adverse reactions. Several thousand prosthetics of large joints are performed annually. All this indicates the absence of adequate methods for the treatment of chronic joint diseases.

Despite the fact that patients are constantly forced to take steroidal and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and biological components of the articular cartilage of animal origin, nevertheless, their functional activity and working capacity gradually decrease, and then disability develops in the group of middle-aged and older people.

A real breakthrough in this field of medicine can be laser therapy, today methods are already being applied for the treatment of advanced forms of osteochandrosis.

There are also many publications on the successful treatment of osteochondrosis using laser therapy or as it is also called quantum therapy.

Laser therapy – laser therapy in an extremely small range, completely safe for humans. The therapeutic effect is achieved due to the effects of particles (quanta) and electromagnetic stimulation.

The results of preliminary studies on the treatment and rehabilitation of patients with advanced forms of osteochondrosis of various localization make it possible to suggest the promise of using laser therapy in this group of patients.

Success in the treatment of osteochondrosis is associated with a thorough clinical diagnosis, assessment of the general and local manifestations of the disease. The treatment process is technically more manageable and accessible when using devices of a new generation of the “Rikta” type.


Laser therapy is highly effective to achieve an analgesic effect and Uwe whether cheniya functionality of the affected joints. It leads to positive structural changes, which allows us to consider this method as a method of choice or a serious alternative to the existing classical methods of control over pathological processes. Further study of this problem is necessary in order to systematize and develop standard and reproducible treatment methods.

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