Exercises to reduce back pain in osteochondrosis

Osteochondrosis is a common disease that people suffer in both mature and young, and at the same time very often underestimate its danger. Pay attention to this problem, most people start only when there is   pain   in the neck or back. It is then that they learn that the disease causes disturbances in the work of the musculoskeletal system, and in severe cases leads to dysfunction of other organs and systems.

Causes of pain in different parts of the body with osteochondrosis

Osteochondrosis is called dystrophic lesion of the discs between the vertebrae, accompanied by discomfort and pain in the neck and back. With age, such degenerative changes in the spinal column are observed in almost all people, since the spine wears out over time. But lately, osteochondrosis is diagnosed at a young age.

The following factors most often stimulate the development of osteochondrosis:

  • flat feet, scoliosis and other disorders of posture;
  • poor heredity for diseases of the musculoskeletal system;
  • excessive loads on the spine;
  • sedentary or sedentary lifestyle and ignoring even basic restorative fitness training.

Progressive osteochondrosis begins to affect not only the intervertebral discs, but also the adjacent vertebrae, joints, and the entire musculo-ligamentous apparatus of the vertebral column. And since the work of all systems in the human body is interconnected, problems with the spine can negatively affect the work of other organs. Very often in the areas of the spine affected by osteochondrosis, bone tissue grows, forming osteophytes – sharp spikes. They traumatize the surrounding soft tissue, causing   the pains   in the area of ​​the affected area, and provoke the occurrence of other health problems, such as vascular disorders.

Useful exercise for people with osteochondrosis

Osteopaths, manual therapists and other specialized experts consider regular physical exercises to be the most effective way to prevent osteochondrosis. With the help of simple training movements, it is possible to prevent and stop the development of the disease, as well as to alleviate the condition of the patient with existing dystrophic changes in the intervertebral discs.

Regular and systematic fitness training helps relieve spasms in the area of ​​the affected area, stretch the muscles and strengthen the muscular system. Most training movements for the prevention and treatment of osteochondrosis can be included in fitness classes of a different orientation. But, to get a more effective result, you should perform a set of exercises 1-2 times during the day. All physical exercises aimed at preventing osteochondrosis, strengthening the muscular system and alleviating the condition of a person during exacerbation of this disease do not require special skills, a high level of physical training and the availability of additional sports equipment.

Standard   fitness training for people who want to prevent a disease or get rid of osteochondrosis is a sequence of the following simple exercises:

  • Head tilts

Stand exactly, it is convenient to place the lower limbs, and put the hands on the hips. Without straining the muscles of the neck and not raising the shoulders, you need to alternately perform 10 bends headfirst, backward, and in both directions. This simplest exercise helps relieve spasms and improve blood circulation in the cervical spine, stretches and relaxes the muscles of the neck and increases the mobility of this part of the body.

  • Rotation of the pelvis.

Keeping the initial position, as in the previous element of a fitness workout, you must perform 20 rotations of the hips in different directions and 10 movements with the pelvis forward and back.

  • “Pose of the mountain.”

Stand up straight, put the feet together, draw the belly. Upper limbs free to lower along the torso, and lift the chin. From this initial position, it is necessary to raise straight arms over your head through the sides and join your palms together. On the exhale, you should also gently lower the upper limbs and press the palms to the thighs. When performing this physical exercise, the spine stretches and relaxes, thereby increasing the intervertebral lumens and the clamped nerve endings are released, and the person gets rid of back pain.

  • “Dog head down.”

Standing exactly with feet spaced shoulder-width apart, tilt the body forward and rest your palms on the floor. If the level of physical training does not allow you to take the correct posture, standing on the entire surface of the feet, you can slightly bend the lower limbs in the knees and lift yourself up on your toes, tearing off your heels from the floor. In this position you need to stand for 1-3 minutes, stretching the spine and bringing the shoulder blades together to get rid of back pain.

  • “Pose of a cat”.

Take emphasis on your knees and palms. When exhaling, you should bend the spine with an arch, pointing the belly down, and the chest up, bending the neck and trying to touch the upper part of the thoracic section with the chin. Then you need to bend your back, lifting his head. The whole bunch of movements must be repeated 5-10 times, strictly following the sequence of actions.

  • Roll on the head.

Kneeling, lower the hips on the legs and sit with the buttocks on the heels put together, rest your forehead and upper part of the head on the floor, round your back and gently roll several times on your head, pressing your hands on the floor and transferring part of your body weight to them. Such rolls stretch the cervical spine and relieve neck pain.

Additional elements of fitness training

The above complex can be varied and include the following physical exercises that will help strengthen the muscular corset and relax back areas affected by osteochondrosis:

  1. Take an emphasis prone, leaning on the toes of the feet and palms. Brushes should be strictly under the shoulder joints. Direct the top of the head forward, strain the muscles of the whole body and fix this position for 1-3 minutes. In one fitness workout you need to perform 3 repetitions of the exercise.
  2. Sit on the floor, bring the lower limbs together and stretch them in front of you, direct the socks of the feet towards you, tilt the body as low as possible and try to lie down with your breasts on your knees, holding your feet. This exercise qualitatively stretches the arm and helps to get rid of back pain.

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