Exercises for the cervical spine: fitness prevention of osteochondrosis

The cervical spine is much more mobile than the others and therefore is constantly subjected to physical exertion. Gradually wearing out, the spine loses mobility, which leads to the development of osteochondrosis and other diseases. To cope with the feeling of discomfort and pain will help special fitness, which aims to preserve the normal mobility of the vertebrae. Therapeutic and prophylactic exercises can be performed in advance to avoid illness, or after the onset of the disease in order to reduce discomfort.

Prevention of osteochondrosis

Osteochondrosis is one of the most common and relatively harmless diseases of the spine. Most often, the cervical region, which has to withstand a considerable load throughout its life, suffers from this disease. You can suspect the disease according to one of the symptoms: aching or acute  pain in the area   neck, increased pain during exercise, stiffness of movement or a violation of sensitivity.

Prevention   osteochondrosis is based on performing simple exercises aimed at strengthening the muscular system and stabilizing intervertebral discs. The treatment complex is recommended in the morning or during the day, but always without interruption.

To perform the first fitness exercise, strain your neck strongly for 7 seconds while simultaneously pressing your hand on the forehead. Do 3 repetitions, then move the palm to the back of the head and perform 3 more times.

Straighten your shoulders, raise your head high. Up to the stop, turn the neck to the right 5 times, perform the same number of repetitions in the opposite direction. Do the exercise 10 more times, but with the chin down.

Using your neck muscles, press your left temple to your palm, then lean in the other direction in the same way. Do 3 repetitions in each direction, lingering for 7 seconds.

The last two exercises in fitness against osteochondrosis are performed with the head thrown back. To do the first, strain your neck and try to touch the clavicle with your chin. Overcome muscle resistance for 5 reps. The second exercise starts from the same position, but now you need to reach your shoulder to your ear. Do 5 times left and right, changing sides after each repetition.

Medical fitness during protrusion

In the absence of appropriate treatment, osteochondrosis causes various degenerative changes in the structure of the spine. One of these pathologies is protrusion of the intervertebral disc, which is expressed in the deformation of the nucleus. With the development of this disease, the central part of the disc swells considerably, going beyond the limits of the natural position. The destruction of the fibrous ring in this case does not occur.

To cope with the protrusion helps the same therapeutic and prophylactic   fitness, which is used in osteochondrosis. In order not to aggravate the condition of the spine, doctors recommend avoiding rotational movements of the head. The discomfort, feeling of stiffness and pain that occur during a workout are considered a reason to interrupt the exercise and make sure that fitness exercises are performed correctly.

The program of classes for patients with hernia

If the symptoms of osteochondrosis are ignored, this leads to the development of protrusion. If a person continues to refuse treatment of this disease, he will face a herniated disc. This state, like protrusion, is a protrusion of the nucleus into the canal, however, it is accompanied by a rupture of the fibrous ring.

The best way to prevent a hernia is to perform therapeutic exercises at the stage of osteochondrosis. If the moment is missed and the disease is already diagnosed, specialists prescribe a special physical culture, the main purpose of which is to restore the capabilities of the neck muscles. Also, restorative fitness increases the mobility of intervertebral discs, helping to get rid of the feeling of stiffness.

The first exercise is performed in a standing or sitting position, depending on your preferences. Completely relaxed arms should hang freely along the body. Slowly turn your head to the left as far as possible, then repeat the movement to the right. Constantly changing the direction of rotation, make 10 times in each direction. If you experience discomfort while performing this fitness exercise, try the lightweight version. In this version it is supposed to do the same movements, but with a reduced amplitude.

The starting position for the next exercise repeats the previous one. Lower the head so that the chin touches the chest. Repeat the movement 5-10 times.

The third exercise against a hernia begins from the same starting position. Gently turn your head back, stretch your chin to the ceiling. Return to the original position and make 4 more repetitions.

Fitness exercises for cervical instability

Sometimes problems in the work of the musculoskeletal system are not associated with limiting mobility, but with its abnormal growth. Prevention of pathology, known as instability of the spine, aims to combat the anomalous increase in the amplitude of movements. As a rule, exercises are used for this purpose that fix the normal position of the vertebrae.

When diagnosed with spinal instability, fitness should be practiced on a special exercise therapy simulator. For lack of access to the equipment, you can design it yourself. To do this, take an elastic rubber band, fold it in half and attach it to the wall approximately at the level of the eyes of a seated person.

At the beginning of the workout, an elastic bandage should be placed in the forehead area, using as a kind of limiter the amplitude of movements. Having assumed the initial position, it is necessary to make 10-20 cautious inclinations in all four directions. The duration of the prophylactic course is 6 months, whereas for therapeutic purposes the simulator is used without interruptions.

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