Exercises for protrusion – the basis of non-drug treatment

Special exercises are at the heart of non-drug therapy. The complexes are being developed by doctors. An individual appointment is made to each patient.

The movements must be performed directly under the guidance of a specialist. He will be able to take into account the peculiarities of the patient’s problems in the course of classes and adjust the load and focus of the complex.

The tasks of exercise therapy in the treatment of protrusions

The backbone needs a developed muscular frame for good health. It protects the ridge from possible displacement of the disks from their natural location.

This is the basis for the prevention of problems such as osteochondrosis with a pathological consequence, which is protrusion .

If protrusion has already arisen, then special exercises are used that solve the problems:

  • stretching of the spine occurs,
  • discs that have shifted from their natural location restore the correct dislocation;
  • improving the patient’s well-being.

Basic rules for execution

Various exercises of health-improving complexes strain certain parts of the ridge, purposefully improving blood circulation in tissues and normalizing metabolism. It develops muscles and heals the discs and vertebrae.

With pathology, charging is performed according to the rules:

  • The lesson is carried out during a period when acute pain and inflammation subsides, and the body enters a phase of remission.
  • If the doctor permits the payloads.
  • A warm bath before doing gymnastics will help the muscles to carry out the workout efficiently.
  • Convalescent exercises begin with few repetitions of the movements in the first few days of exercise.
  • Do the exercise until the discomfort begins. When discomfort or pain appears, stop this action.
  • In order not to harm the spine, it is better to start the complex on an orthopedic mattress lying down.
  • Take a break between exercises to rest.
  • After a while, classes can be performed on a gymnastic mat.
  • Drinking water is contraindicated during exercise.
  • Wellness classes are carried out daily, adjusting the load. Make sure she is feasible.
  • It is necessary to monitor breathing when performing movements. Regular breathing is recommended.
  • Unbearable exercises should be excluded from the complex.
  • At the end of the session, you need to take thirty minutes of rest in the supine position.

Exercises for protrusion in the cervical spine

  1. Performed in a standing position, repeat up to ten times.
    • Tilt the head to the chest. They strive to touch the upper part of it with their chin.
    • The same, the chin is pressed to the chest. From this position, they smoothly turn the neck to the right, and then to the left, trying to look back over the shoulder each time .
    • Fingers are connected “in the lock”, and close the elbows. Lean with the chin on the “lock”. In this position, raise the shoulders as high as possible. The result will be muscle tension in the upper thoracic region and in the cervical vertebrae.
    • Stand in front of the wall. They rest their forehead on it and press, freeze for fifteen seconds.
    • Stand with their backs to the wall. They lean on the back of the head and press on it, also staying in this position for fifteen seconds.
    • One by one they stand to the wall with one side, and then the other. The head is leaned against the wall and pressed on the support, frozen for fifteen seconds.
  2. Performed in a prone position, repeat up to ten times.
    • They lie down evenly, hands are placed at the seams. The head is turned so that either the left or the right ear is pressed against the floor.
    • The same action, only the hands are so that turning the head, alternately pressing the ear to one or the other palm.

These actions will help to loosen the cervical spine, relieve unpleasant symptoms: a feeling of numbness in the limbs and other problems.

A simple set for the neck can include in the exercises (performed in a standing position):

  • the head is tilted in different directions,
  • various turns of the head,
  • put their palms on the forehead, temples and the back of the head and resist the pressure of the head with them.


The complex can be used for home use. Exercises will be useful for diseases of the ridge, leading to stiffness of movements: osteochondrosis and protrusion .

  1. Exercises are done in a standing position.
    • The arms are bent at the elbows, the palms are placed on the shoulders. As you inhale, your palms put pressure on your shoulders. Exhale and release the pressure. Repeat five times.
    • Legs together create tension in them. Hands are kept down. As you inhale, raise your arms to your shoulders. As you exhale, the arms are lowered down. Repeat the action four times or until comfortable.
    • Fingers are connected behind the back with a “lock”. Thumbs touch the spine. One hand tries to reach back, while the other hand puts pressure on the vertebrae. Repeat three times with each hand.
    • Fold the palms behind the back so that the thumbs lie along the ridge on both sides. They are moved along the vertebrae down (on inhalation), creating pressure on them. Perform five times.
    • Fists are connected behind the back. On inhalation, they make a movement down the spine, making an effort. Repeat three times.
    • A towel is wrapped around the body under the chest, taking a breath. Exhaling, they try to pull the towel closer together. And so ten times.
  2. Exercises are done while lying down.
    • The assistant runs the ribs of the palms along the patient’s spine. The movement is performed with an effort from top to bottom.
    • Lying on your back, your hands are clasped behind your head. In this case, a roller is placed under the back. They are rolled with the spine on a roller along the entire continuation of the chest zone.


The complex is performed on the mat while lying on your back:

  • Hands at the seams, feet with feet on the mat, knees bent. The press is strained for a few seconds. Then they relax and stretch their legs. After a short pause, repeat the action ten times.
  • The starting position is repeated. The right palm is placed on the left knee. Next, the knee is pulled towards the head, lifting the foot from the mat. Resist with the hand. Repeat the action after a short pause using the left arm and right leg. The total number of repetitions is ten times.
  • The starting position is repeated. Without changing the lying position, slowly lift the body. They slowly return to their original position. Repeat ten times.

For this zone, very effective exercises are obtained with the help of assistive devices. It is convenient to use them in the gym. The complex for therapeutic exercises is chosen by the doctor, taking into account the individual characteristics of the disease of a particular patient and other contraindications.

Gymnastic complex to strengthen the back muscles

The healthy condition of the ridge is youthfulness, the ability to maintain the flexibility of the body and the correct functioning of the organs controlled by the radicular nerves.

Muscle corset is one of the important conditions for maintaining a healthy back.

It is necessary to engage in exercises to strengthen the muscles of the back for the purpose of prevention.

If you already have osteochondrosis or protrusion , then you need to under the supervision of a doctor, being careful to perform special exercises.

  • You need to lie on your back. Hands are spread out to the sides. The toes of the feet are directed towards the head and strained, and the head is raised, creating tension in the neck. Freeze for three seconds. Repeat three times.
  • They make a “birch”. Supporting the body with arms bent at the elbows, make a stand on the shoulder blades. Freeze for thirty seconds. After a short pause, repeat three times.
  • Lying with your back on the roller, your hands are placed under your head. They make the body deflection, freezing, for five seconds. And so eight times.
  • From a prone position:
    • Hands are placed under the chest. They rest on them and raise the body up. The position of the legs is not changed.
    • Bend is performed by raising the legs and arms. Freeze for three seconds and rest. You can do it several times if you feel good.
  • The patient is in an upright position, his hands are behind his back in a “lock”. Strain your arms for a few seconds. Then they are relaxed, lowered along the body. Repeat five times.
  • They sit on a chair. They put their hands behind their heads. Bend backward, freezing for three seconds. Repeat, focusing on the state of health.
  • Lying on the back, the legs are bent at the knees and rest on the floor with the feet. Hands are placed along the body. Do a back bend, leaning on the head and feet. Hold in this position for five seconds. They do repetitions if they feel good.
  • The patient gets down on all fours. The back is straight, the hands focus on the wall bar or on the chair. Slowly and smoothly bend the spine down. Freeze for five seconds. Repeat if no discomfort occurs.

Exercise in the gym

Devices and machines increase the ability to create payloads for the back when treating protrusion . It is necessary to coordinate the selection of exercises with specialists.


  • Apply a smooth board attached to the wall and floor at an angle of thirty degrees. On top of it are fixed straps, half a meter long. In them, the arms are passed up to the armpits and lie on the board with their stomachs. They hang with their whole body for a while, allowing the ridge to stretch. You can put a pad under your knees.
  • Approach the Swedish wall with your back. Reach the bar with your hands, hang on it. Stay in this position until discomfort appears. The number of times depends on how you feel.
  • The same, but at the same time bending the legs, making a “corner”.
  • Hanging is performed facing the wall. The legs are bent at the knees and placed on the crossbar, the feet are at the level of the buttocks.
  • The same exercise, but turn the pelvis to the left and right.
  • Lie with their stomachs on a support, up to the knee. Hang down. Place a soft mat.


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