Exercises Dikul with cervical osteochondrosis

The diagnosis of cervical osteochondrosis is quite common among those who lead a sedentary lifestyle and are often in the same position (standing or sitting) at work. It can manifest as headache, dizziness, pain in the shoulders and upper limbs. To reduce its manifestations and strengthen the cervical vertebrae, you need to choose the right exercise therapy and perform them regularly.

Recommendations for the exercise exercise

With such a diagnosis can not self-medicate. However, if it is not possible to consult a doctor, then you should follow the general recommendations for the exercises:

  • Do not engage in physical therapy during the acute period of the disease, as this will cause   pain, and she is unacceptable in the classroom.
  • Exercises should be performed at a steady pace, without jerks.
  • In the presence of a hernia of intervertebral discs, any exercise is prohibited without prior consultation with a doctor.

Tasks and features of gymnastics exercise therapy in the acute phase of the disease

The main purpose of exercise in cervical osteochondrosis:

  • reduce pain and reduce the transfer of pain impulses to the shoulders;
  • improve blood circulation;
  • reduce the irritability and sensitivity of intervertebral tissues;
  • improve mental and moral state;
  • relax the muscles of the neck, shoulders and arms;
  • restore coordination of movements.

However, during the gymnastics should take into account possible contraindications:

  • high body temperature;
  • violation of blood circulation in the brain vessels;
  • severe pain;
  • strong muscle contraction requiring surgery.

A good addition to any set of exercises will be breathing exercises.

Methods and exercises V. Dikul

An effective approach to solving problems of cervical osteochondrosis is the technique of V. Dikul. With its help, it is possible to restore the movement of the affected vertebrae. You can perform it, as under the supervision of medical personnel, and at home. This approach includes several sets of exercises. By doing them all, you can quickly achieve positive results.

Exercises to eliminate pain

Pain in cervical osteochondrosis is mainly associated with muscle spasm. In normal condition, the muscle should be relaxed. Tense muscle prevents the supply of oxygen and blood to the tissues, due to which destructive processes occur in it.

A set of exercises to relax and warm up muscles can help to cope with the problem:

  • Standing smoothly, with a deep breath, raise your arms to the ceiling, then breathe out – lower your arms at the seams. This will help ensure adequate oxygen supply to the body.
  • The starting position is the same. Taking a deep breath, pull your hands to the ceiling as much as possible, climbing to the toes. On the exhale – tilt the body down, reaching out to the floor with his hands. If physical training does not allow to touch the floor, then this is not necessary.This exercise helps stretch and relax the muscles.
  • Without changing the original position, place your hands to the sides and rotate them first forward, then back.

During the execution of this complex, it is important to monitor breathing. It should be deep and calm. Such exercises can be done both separately and as a warm-up before the main workout.

A set of exercises to strengthen and stretch the neck muscles

Strengthen the muscles of the neck will help such a set of exercises:

  • Standing straight, legs apart, arms at the seams, body relaxed. While inhaling, tilt your head forward, touching your chin to your chest. Then exhale – reject the head back.
  • In the same position, tilt your head to the side, touching the ears with your shoulders (if possible). Take a deep breath when bending, exhale – while taking the initial position.
  • Rotate slowly in a circle with the maximum amplitude.
  • In the same position, turn your head first to the right, then to the left. Try to look behind your back. In this case, do not tilt the head, keep the chin parallel to the floor.

At the end of each workout should stretch the muscles. To do this, you can do this exercise: stand up straight, join the legs together, lean forward and hug the legs at the knees. Hold out in this position for half a minute.

Special set of exercises

The technique of V. Dikul assumes the presence of such a projectile as a loop on the head. You can buy it at the pharmacy, or make it yourself from an elastic bandage. Throw it through the chin, or the back of the head (depending on the starting position), and fasten it on top of any stable crossbar.

Perform a set of exercises in this method can be sitting or lying down, after doing a warm-up.

  • Lie on your back, securing a loop on your head behind the back of your head, and perform the following exercises:
  1. lowering the chin to the chest and leveling the head, while feeling the resistance of the loop;
  2. lower your chin alternately to the shoulders;
  3. tilt your head to the sides of your shoulders.
  • Sit on the floor or chair, fasten the loop through the chin, straighten your back, put your palms on your knees and perform the following elements:
  1. tilt your head to the side;
  2. turn your head to the side;
  3. tilt your chin to your chest and return your head to its original position.

The neck should be in a relaxed state. If you feel pain in the neck, then the workout should be stopped.

Exercises for the night  

With this disease, like cervical osteochondrosis, in the morning can be felt   pain   or numbness in the cervical spine. This is due to the lack of fluid between the vertebrae due to their flattened state. In order for the intervertebral area to be filled with fluid overnight, such stretching exercises should be done before going to bed:

  • Lie back to the floor, legs straighten, hands at the seams. At the same time, stretch your feet and head in opposite directions.
  • Stand with your back to the wall, snug against it tightly and pull your head to the ceiling.

In addition, for the prevention and improvement of health in case of cervical osteochondrosis, you should not use a soft mattress and pillow. Regular execution   exercise   V. Dikulya with cervical osteochondrosis will help alleviate the condition, restore the motor activity of the vertebrae and lead a full life.

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