Exercise complexes exercise therapy for osteochondrosis of the spine

Diseases of the spine today occupy a leading place among all problems with the musculoskeletal system. To prevent their development and conservative treatment effectively used a variety of exercises that make up the complex exercise therapy.

Exercise therapy: the essence, benefits and types

Therapeutic physical training is a system of physical exercises aimed at preventing and solving various problems with the musculoskeletal system, soft recovery of muscle tone and joint mobility.

A person’s ability to walk upright and spend a long time in a sitting position very often causes spinal problems. Therefore, a special place among all kinds   Exercise therapy   It takes therapeutic exercises for the back, designed to develop and strengthen the muscles of the spine for its firm fixation.

As for the rest of the muscle groups of the body, they work in everyday life quite actively. Our hands are included in many processes, because their muscles are sufficiently developed. With the help of legs, we constantly move around and can rightly be called the strongest muscular group of the whole body. To maintain the torso in an upright position requires a strong back and abdominals, which are less involved in daily life. If they are not sufficiently developed, we are unable to hold the torso correctly, spinal curvature occurs, the blood circulation is disturbed, and diseases begin to develop. This situation is also aggravated by the presence of excess weight and a long stay in a sitting position.

Therefore, for health and the musculoskeletal system, and the whole organism as a whole, you should regularly train your abdominal and back muscles. For this, daily morning exercises are quite sufficient, including correct and safe exercises.

The most fragile part of the spine is the neck, problems with which significantly affect the general well-being and quality of life. She holds her head throughout the day, which can weigh up to 2 kg, takes on different, not always correct and comfortable positions, so it is important to perform neck exercises every day. In addition, there is also exercise therapy for all other muscle groups, the development of which is often associated with the rehabilitation process after injuries.

Recommendations for the exercise exercise

Exercise physical therapy are not just a physical load for slimming, but are prophylactic and therapeutic measures. Therefore, when such training is very important to observe the following rules:

  • You can not train through   pain.
  • This does not mean that you should stop doing the exercise, which causes pain, but you can try to reduce the amplitude of movements and assess the body’s response to such changes.
  • The use of weights is prohibited.
  • This is especially true of exercises such as twisting on the press and hyperextension. Additional weight is used to increase the mass, but to strengthen the muscles with therapeutic and prophylactic purposes, it is enough to work with the mass of your own body.
  • Hang on the horizontal bar.
  • This is an ideal and safe exercise for stretching the spine and relieving the surrounding muscles.
  • Follow the indoor climate for training.

Since the main set of exercises is done lying on the floor, maintain the optimum air temperature in the room and do not create drafts, otherwise you can worsen the course of not only osteochondrosis, but also other diseases.

Exercises in the acute period of osteochondrosis

With exacerbation of the disease, you should avoid any load on the spine until the moment when the pain subsides somewhat. Then you can begin to perform a simple set of exercises:

  • Lie on your back on a soft mat, placing a large cushion under your feet. At the same time, squeeze and unclasp your fingers on the palms and feet.
  • Lying on your back, put both legs on the floor, then bend one in the knee, and the other slowly and rhythmically move aside. After 10 repetitions, change your leg.
  • Accept the starting position of the very first   Exercise, putting your legs on a roller, and alternately raise your arms vertically upwards.
  • Remaining in the same position, place the palms on the shoulders and describe the semicircles at the same time with two elbows in the air.
  • Lie on your back, put your feet on the floor with your feet, alternately and completely unbend them upwards.
  • Staying in the same position, alternately tighten your knees to your chest.
  • Without changing posture, try to turn both knees to the side at once and reach the floor to them.
  • Breathe through the abdomen, excluding the rise of the chest.

Exercises from this complex will help you quickly get out of the acute period and reduce pain, for this, perform them daily.

The complex of exercises in remission

When the pain in the spine subsides and the period of remission begins, you can gradually begin to increase the load on the back muscles, while still avoiding soreness and marked discomfort:

  • Lie on your back, stretch your arms along your body and lift your head above the floor with simultaneous tension in the area of ​​the press.
  • Lying on your back, put your feet on the floor and lift the pelvis up, without arching the spine too much.
  • Staying on your back, strain and relax your gluteal muscles.
  • Lie on your back, put your feet on the floor and alternately touch the palm of the opposite knee, lifting the head and shoulders.
  • Stand on all fours, bend and then bend your back, then sit on your heels with your buttocks and stretch your arms forward as far as possible.

Exercises to strengthen the back

When the condition of your back has stabilized and the osteochondrosis has passed into the stage of stable remission, you can strengthen the muscles to prevent relapses by doing the following set of exercises:

  • Lying on your back, do short body lifts, lifting your head and shoulders off the floor.
  • Lying on the floor, alternately raise straight legs above it to an upright position, lowering them, do not lay them on the floor.
  • Hang on the horizontal bar and pull your knees up to your chest.
  • Perform back and forth back and forth.
  • Exercise hyperextension using a stable support.
  • Do stretching for legs and back muscles.

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