Electrophoresis procedure for osteochondrosis of the spine

Very often, anti- osteochondrosis drug therapy is complemented by physiotherapy sessions, including electrophoresis.

Osteochondrosis is almost always accompanied by pain, swelling, and, with cervical localization, headaches and visual disturbances.

Electrophoresis helps to significantly alleviate the patient’s condition, and this physiotherapeutic method can be used at any stage of pathology, up to periods of complications.

The principle of the therapeutic action of Electrophoresis

This method is based on the introduction of a specific drug through direct current, and the skin is not damaged.

A similar physiotherapeutic technique is successfully used in anti-osteochondrosis therapy of any localization and degree of severity. As a result, the patient’s condition improves significantly, the inflammatory-dystrophic processes in the discs between the vertebrae stop, pain and swelling recede.

Direct current charges cause drug ions to move intensively towards a specific electrode (depending on the drug charge). When the active elements pass into the affected tissues (where they seep mainly through the sweat, as well as the sebaceous glands), they are retained in them, creating large concentrated accumulations in the desired zones.

Such an increased content of the drug persists for a rather long time – 15 hours or even more, which contributes to a long-term effect on the spine affected by osteochondrosis.

Electrophoresis endows the active substances of drugs with the ability to reflex, systemic and local effects. As a result, many therapeutic effects are provided:

  • Decongestant;
  • Analgesic;
  • Anti-inflammatory;
  • Calming;
  • Relaxing;
  • Vasodilator;
  • Activating the secretion and release of bioactive substances into the circulatory system;
  • Stimulating material exchanges.

In addition, osteochondrosis is often accompanied by disorders of blood microcirculation in problem areas, so drugs cannot penetrate there through the blood vessels. In this case, electrophoresis acts as practically the only alternative therapy.

Among other things, during the electrophoresis session, the drug penetrates directly into the affected areas, bypassing the liver and kidneys. This feature allows you to avoid the toxic effect of the drug on the tissues of the filter organs.

Electrophoresis procedures can significantly reduce the therapeutic doses of the drugs used, and their effectiveness is much higher than with conventional medication.

In addition, the administered drug penetrates into the lesion sites already in a changed (ionized) form, which has a higher therapeutic activity. From the places of greatest accumulation of medicinal substances through microvessels are carried throughout the body. Although the largest accumulations will be concentrated in the injection area.


Sessions of electrophoresis therapy are distinguished by a very wide area of ​​use.

Such a therapeutic technique is highly effective for the treatment and prevention of many pathological conditions of neurological, gynecological, otolaryngological, surgical, nervous system origin, etc.

Electrophoresis is most widely used in therapy:

  • Joint and bone diseases such as osteochondrosis, polyarthritis and arthritis;
  • Cardiovascular pathologies;
  • Hypertension;
  • Atherosclerotic vascular lesions;
  • Hypotension or low blood pressure;
  • Digestive pathologies such as hepatitis, colitis, cholecystitis, ulcers and gastritis;
  • Nervous system diseases such as neuralgia, radiculitis, neuritis or plexitis;
  • Genitourinary inflammations such as pyelonephritis, cystitis, or prostatitis;
  • Migraine pain;
  • Neuroses;
  • Dental inflammations such as stomatitis, periodontitis , gingivitis, etc.;
  • Sleep disorders;
  • ENT diseases such as sinusitis, tonsillitis or otitis media;
  • Resorption of post-traumatic, postoperative or keloid scars, adhesions or cords;
  • Seborrhea;
  • Eye pathologies;
  • Burn wounds;
  • Inflammatory diseases of the female genital area such as cervical erosion, colpitis or endometritis, endocervitis , etc.;
  • Chronic bronchitis and many others. dr.

The use of electrophoresis therapy is recommended as part of complex therapeutic measures against trophic ulcers, purulent inflammatory processes, intense pain syndrome and other pathologies of a severe and long-term current nature.

But you should not blame the procedure on the procedure as the main treatment, since electrophoresis physiotherapy is effective only when combined with other techniques.

How is the procedure going

Electrophoresis sessions are quite simple to perform. To carry them out, you need to prepare napkins that correspond to the parameters of the electrodes. Ideally, the electrode should be completely covered with a napkin on both sides and freely penetrate into the napkins. They are soaked with a medicinal solution and placed on the desired area of ​​the spine.

Then an electrode is placed on top and the course of the session is monitored, controlling the current strength and duration of exposure. Before the session, you should find out from the doctor on which electrode the used medication should be applied.

The drugs used

For anti-osteochondrosis therapy, medicinal solutions are used, which are prepared right before use. The concentration of the diluted solution is prescribed by the doctor in accordance with the severity of the pathology.

Most often, for osteochondrosis diseases, solutions are used:

  • Magnesia;
  • Novocaine;
  • Lidases ;
  • Karipaina ;
  • Euphyllina;
  • Apifora ;
  • Humisol ;
  • Mumiyo.


Due to the electrical influence, the interaction of cells, metabolism and physicochemical processes is activated.

This method of administration has a much better effect on the body than parenteral or oral administration of the drug.

Electrophoresis sessions have many advantages, which are as follows:

  1. Medicinal components are removed from tissues more slowly;
  2. The medication is delivered directly to the affected area;
  3. Unhurried penetration into the blood and localized concentration of the drug provide a prolonged (i.e. long-term) therapeutic effect;
  4. The possibility of a significant decrease in the dose of a drug, since the current contributes to an increase in the therapeutic activity of drugs;
  5. Active components are delivered to the affected area in an already activated form, which accelerates their action and increases efficiency;
  6. Minimal risks of developing adverse reactions;
  7. Medicines penetrate the affected tissues without disturbing the integrity of the tissues and are delivered to the desired areas painlessly.


Physiotherapy electrophoresis technique is considered public and universal, although it is not without contraindications like:

  • Fever, fever, high temperature indicators;
  • Severe exacerbation of inflammation;
  • Any tumors;
  • Dermatitis or eczema;
  • Problems in the hematopoietic system such as exposure to severe bleeding;
  • Intolerance or hypersensitivity to the current or drug that is supposed to be used;
  • Skin sensitivity disorders;
  • Myocardial insufficiency;
  • Asthma;
  • Damage to the epidermis at the site of the intended application of the pads (cuts, scratches, wounds).

Types of devices at home

Electrophoresis sessions can be carried out at home on their own. For this purpose, a lot of devices have been created intended for use in everyday life:

  • Sun;
  • Elfor ;
  • Flow;
  • MIT;
  • MAG;
  • Elaskulap , etc.

It is recommended to buy such equipment in reputable stores specializing in the sale of medical equipment, then the risks of acquiring a defective or low-quality device will be minimal.

In order to avoid complications, it is recommended to get a detailed consultation with a doctor indicating the dosage and the solutions used, and invite a health worker to the house for the first session.

Is it possible to undergo treatment during pregnancy?

For women in a state of pregnancy, electrophoresis sessions are carried out only if there are no contraindications. As a result of such therapy, the uterine tone decreases, muscle relaxation occurs, and blood circulation improves.

In general, in the gynecological field, electrophoresis sessions are carried out to get rid of chronic diseases of inflammatory origin such as endometritis, cervicitis, etc.

Electrophoresis sessions are highly effective in the treatment of endometriosis and erosion of the uterine cervix.

The procedure is prohibited for pregnant women if the patient has one of the factors:

  1. Blood clotting disorders associated with a high likelihood of bleeding;
  2. Renal pathology;
  3. Nausea-vomiting syndrome;
  4. Severe gestosis forms (eclampsia);
  5. Poor condition of the unborn child.

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