Effective exercises for the prevention of cervical osteochondrosis

Cervical osteochondrosis is a degenerative disease resulting from deformation of the intervertebral discs. It is accompanied by the growth of bone tissue – these growths increase the pressure on the vertebrae, provoke a reflex contraction of muscle tissue, which leads to pinching of the endings of the nerve fibers and blood vessels. If osteochondrosis of the 1 st degree is accompanied by pain and fatigue, then in a state of neglect the disease can provoke an incoordination of movements, deterioration of vision and hearing, fainting. To heal the disease at the initial stage, as well as to alleviate its symptoms at other stages of development, along with medications and physiotherapy, special therapeutic exercises help.

The use of exercise therapy

A selection of exercises for conducting exercises in osteochondrosis of the neck is recommended to be made together with a specialist after passing a medical examination. To achieve the greatest therapeutic effect   Exercise therapy   neck should be performed systematically.

Useful qualities of gymnastics:

  • elimination of dizziness, weakness, as well as pain, spasms and inflammations in the cervical region, back;
  • normalization of metabolism in soft tissues;
  • strengthening the neck muscles, improving blood flow in them;
  • reducing the risk of bone growth;
  • increase the elasticity of ligaments, muscles, as well as the overall performance of the body;
  • improved joint mobility;
  • increased lymphatic drainage in the soft tissue vessels;
  • prevention of spinal curvature, improved posture;
  • prevention of the development of osteochondrosis itself, as well as associated diseases of the heart and blood vessels.

Rules for exercise with neck pain

Exercise physical therapy neck help not only to alleviate the symptoms of the disease, but also to prevent its appearance. Physical exercise should be subject to the following rules:

  1. Warm up your neck muscles before exercising with the help of joint gymnastics.
  2. Begin to do physical exercises only after the elimination of the pain syndrome.
  3. If during charging appeared   pain   in the neck, reduce the load or put off exercise therapy for a while (until the pain disappears).
  4. Engage in front of the mirror. This will help control the position of the body and the proper execution of each movement.
  5. Move smoothly and slowly. No head movement should provoke severe neck pain.
  6. Exercise for 20 minutes three times a day. If it turns out to finish earlier, you need to reduce the pace and again pay attention to the smoothness of the movements.
  7. At the initial stage (the first 14 days), study daily, then reduce the number of classes to 2–3 times a week.

A selection of exercises for the treatment of osteochondrosis

The exercise therapy of the neck, suggested below, helps to work out the neck muscles, make them stronger and more elastic, improve blood circulation and mobility of the cervical vertebrae. All exercises are divided into 3 sets. Elements from the first two should be done 10 times, from the third complex – 5 times.

Starting position in each   exercise   the same: stand up straight, legs apart shoulder-width apart, arms extended along the body. Looking forward, do not lower your head, do not bend your back.

The first complex

  1. Place the palm of your left hand on your left cheek. Smoothly, slowly make a turn of the head to the left, exerting a hand opposition. When the chin is exactly above the shoulder, fix for 1-2 seconds, then make the same turn to the right, putting the palm of your right hand to the right cheek.
  2. Make the head tilt forward, trying to reach the chin to the chest. Fixed for 1-2 seconds, return to the starting position.
  3. With the greatest possible amplitude to reject the head back. Fixed for 1-2 seconds, return to the starting position.

The second complex

  1. Hands clasped into the castle, put their palms to his forehead. Gently pressing his palms on his forehead, trying to bow his head to his chest, while remaining completely motionless.
  2. Attach the left hand to the left temple, and the right hand – to the right. Try to bow your head first to the right, then to the left, while simultaneously countering your palms, while remaining static.
  3. With the highest possible amplitude, lift the shoulders up. Fixed for 10 seconds, take the starting position, rest for 10 seconds, and then repeat the exercise.

The third complex

  1. Having clasped the hands in the lock, place them with palms on the forehead. Gently pressing on the forehead with your hands, try to overcome the opposition and try to bow your head to your chest. The head in this exercise should lean forward slowly, lingering for a few seconds at the lowest point, in order to return to the original position.
  2. Hands clasped in the lock, put their palms to the back of the head. Slowly tilt your head down, then, gently pressing on the back of your head and overcoming resistance, return to the original position.
  3. To clasp your head with your right hand so that her hand rests on your left temple. Bend your head to the right shoulder, helping yourself with the effort of your hand. Accept the starting position, repeat the exercise, changing the arm and making a tilt in the other direction.

Contraindications to physical activity

Neck physical therapy is not recommended for the following health problems:

  • severe pain in the neck, shoulders;
  • instability of the vertebral discs;
  • the presence of chronic diseases in the recurrence phase;
  • oncologic neoplasms;
  • high blood pressure or elevated body temperature;
  • the presence of protrusion or intervertebral hernia;
  • heart rhythm disturbance.

Prevention of osteochondrosis

To prevent the development of osteochondrosis helps prevention, which is based on the need to regularly do therapeutic exercises. It should be carried out by anyone who leads a sedentary or sedentary lifestyle, is overweight, curved or injured in the spine.

A set of measures to prevent the development of the disease:

  • increased motor activity;
  • Hourly performing simple warm-up exercises and joint exercises during sedentary work;
  • fight against excess weight;
  • the formation of correct posture and constant monitoring of body position;
  • correct weight distribution during lifting;
  • timely treatment of chronic diseases of upper respiratory tract.

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