Do you have osteochondrosis? We begin to push up, bend and pull ourselves up

The human spine performs three vital functions – supporting, cushioning and protective. It consists of vertebrae, between which there are cartilage discs, due to which depreciation occurs. With age, the cartilage discs wear out, become brittle and are depleted, as a result of which the vertebrae settle and pinch the nerves, causing pain to the person. Apparently, therefore, many people think that osteochondrosis is a sign of aging, such as baldness, wrinkles and gray hair, and mistakenly believe that it is impossible to cure it. In fact, 80% of the population today suffer from osteochondrosis, and more than half of these people have not yet reached 50 years of age.his age. The reason for such a wide spread of the disease is a sedentary lifestyle, which is now leading all, including children from 7 years of age. Therefore, osteochondrosis in our time is a disease of civilization or retribution for a lack of physical activity. The insidiousness of osteochondrosis lies in the fact that in the initial stages it does not manifest itself in any way, and in the later stages the treatment of osteochondrosis is not an easy task. Therefore, most patients at first do not even suspect that they have any changes in the intervertebral discs and do not go to the doctor. Osteochondrosis manifests itself most often during uneven and inadequate loads on the back and joints, when the “sitting man” suddenly wakes up a craving for a healthy lifestyle and a desire to play sports. During training with heavy weights, weight lifting and physical activity, the load on the spine increases sharply, which leads to pain in different parts of the back and neck. Most often diagnosed with lumbar osteochondrosis, it accounts for 50% of the total number of diseases. The second place is taken by cervical osteochondrosis and the third by chest. With lumbar osteochondrosis, pain periodically appears in the lumbar region, in some cases they are given to the back of the thigh and buttock. Cervical osteochondrosis is accompanied by headaches, tinnitus, and dizziness. The patient often has high blood pressure, pain in the neck during head movement, and if the seventh cervical vertebra is affected by the disease, pain may also appear in the heart. Symptoms of thoracic osteochondrosis are very reminiscent of pain arising from a malfunction of the heart. Pain first occurs on the left side, then covers the entire chest area. Tinea pain makes breathing difficult and leads to circulatory disorders. In some cases, chest osteochondrosis also leads to diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Unfortunately, many people realize the need to treat osteochondrosis only when they can no longer straighten out. In the acute period, when the patient has movement restrictions accompanied by severe pain, it is of course impossible to cure osteochondrosis without painkillers. Serious patients are even given spinal blockade to relieve the manifestation of pain. But to treat osteochondrosis, lying motionless and taking only pills, is impossible. No medication is able to increase the gap between the vertebrae, so during the recovery period it is necessary to direct all efforts to strengthen the muscles of the back and neck. After all, the spine is not just bones, it is also the ligaments, arteries, capillaries and muscles that need to be trained. The more blood vessels and muscles lose their elasticity, the worse they provide the spine and joints with food. Hence the pain, which can only be removed by dispersing blood. If a person does not move, then the muscles do not work, the blood runs poorly in the vessels, the lymphatic flow is disturbed and the nervous regulation goes poorly. After the pain subsided, gymnastics and massage are very useful for a patient with osteochondrosis. They normalize tone, improve blood circulation and relieve muscle tension. Daily 15-minute gymnastics will help to forget about pain in the back and neck for a long time. The best exercises for the spine are squats, push-ups, bends and pull-ups. Squat 5-10 times, get up only on the exhale. Do push-ups first from the wall, then from the table andthe surface of the floor. They help strengthen the muscles of the back, neck and arms. The following exercise is very useful for the spine: lie on the floor, stretch your arms along the body and exhale to lift the body from the floor to the sitting position. Repeat the exercise 5-10 times. To get rid of pain in the spine, regularly do pull-ups with your arms and legs lying on the floor and tilts your body, touching your heels and trying not to bend your legs. All these exercises are simple, everyone can perform them to prevent osteochondrosis and maintain spinal mobility. After all, the only way to avoid osteochondrosis for a modern “sitting man” is to do regular sports to train muscles that will remove part of the load from the spine and release the intervertebral discs.

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