Coccygodynia : symptoms and treatment at home

Coccygodynia is considered a fairly serious disorder that causes paroxysmal or persistent pain in the coccyx region.

Since this pathology can lead to the appearance of negative health consequences and greatly worsen the quality of human life, when its symptoms appear, you should immediately consult a doctor. Sometimes it is possible to solve the problem only with the help of surgical intervention.

What is the diagnosis of coccygodynia

The term ” coccygodynia ” means pain that occurs in the coccyx region due to irritation of the nerve roots. Due to the anatomical features of the body, this disorder usually occurs in women. This disease can occur at any age, but often such a diagnosis is made at the age of 40-60.

Types and causes

According to the International Classification of Diseases, the following types of pathology are distinguished:

  • tailbone pain;
  • pseudococcygodynia , which is characterized by proctological problems and diseases of the urogenital system;
  • anorectal pain, which consists in the appearance of discomfort in the anus, perineum, genitals.

There is also a primary and secondary form of the disease. In the first case, coccygodynia develops as a result of direct damage to the coccyx. With the development of a secondary process, pain is a consequence of a malfunction of the pelvic organs.

As a rule, the disease occurs when the nerves located in the coccyx and sacrum are damaged . The reasons for the development of the disease include the following:

  1. Coccyx injury. Discomfort is the result of a dislocation or displacement of this spine. Coccygodynia can appear with the formation of scars in soft tissues and muscle inflammation.
  2. Pelvic inflammatory disease. The factors causing the development of coccygodynia include pathologies such as prostatitis, paraproctitis, parametritis, hemorrhoids. As a result of inflammation, scars appear in the tissues. If nerve fibers are involved in this process, pain occurs.
  3. Operations on the pelvic organs. Often, such interventions lead to the formation of adhesions and scars.
  4. Chronic stool disorders. Systematic constipation and diarrhea cause prolonged tension of muscle tissue, which leads to the development of coccygodynia .
  5. Injury during childbirth. In this case, hemorrhage into the tissue surrounding the tailbone may occur. Over time, pain often occurs in this area.
  6. Descent of the perineum. This condition is accompanied by downward displacement of the vagina, uterus and rectum.
    Pathology of the nerves and muscles of the perineum.
  7. Passive lifestyle.
  8. Stressful situations.

Typical symptoms

Coccygodynia causes very characteristic symptoms. The main ones include the following:

  1. Pain in the coccyx area. Usually, discomfort is also felt in the area of ​​the buttocks, genitals, anus, sacrum. The pains are aching in nature, often occur in the form of attacks. But some people feel uncomfortable all the time. The pain may increase during bowel movement, sitting, or abruptly standing up.
  2. High sweating.
  3. Feeling of heaviness in the coccyx area.
  4. Pallor of the skin during attacks.
  5. Restriction of physical activity.
  6. Increased pain on palpation.
  7. Depressive state.
  8. Gait disorder.

Coccygodynia provokes the development of functional disorders of the internal organs – first the small pelvis, and then the abdominal cavity.

Urological problems and rectal dyskinesias usually develop. In addition to these diseases, vegetative disorders are often observed, which manifest themselves in the form of rapid heartbeat, shortness of breath, dizziness, and arterial dystonia. It is also worth considering that this disease is characterized by the seasonality of relapses.


Making an accurate diagnosis is difficult. To do this, it is necessary to exclude such disorders as hemorrhoids, fissure of the anus, inflammation of the sciatic nerve. In addition, many gynecological diseases have symptoms similar to those of coccygodynia .

If there is pain in the tailbone, you need to conduct the following types of research:

  • external examination – allows you to detect visible changes in the coccyx area;
  • digital examination of the rectum – helps to determine the condition of the coccyx and identify diseases such as paraproctitis and hemorrhoids;
  • sigmoidoscopy – consists in examining the rectum and sigmoid colon with a special device;
  • X-ray – makes it possible to identify changes in the spine that can cause pain.

When pain in the tailbone appears, women should undergo a gynecological examination, and men should seek advice from a urologist. Also, all patients should definitely visit a neurologist.

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Treatment of coccyx osteochondrosis

It is quite difficult to completely eliminate the symptoms of coccygodynia . Physiotherapy treatments and medications are usually prescribed to cope with the disease. Sometimes it is impossible to do without surgical intervention.


To eliminate the symptoms of coccygodynia , the following groups of drugs are used:

  • non-steroidal analgesics – such drugs have analgesic and anti-inflammatory effects;
  • anesthetics – such drugs are injected directly into the affected areas;
  • muscle relaxants – these drugs are used to combat muscle spasm;
  • psychotropic drugs – can be used for depressive conditions or excessive arousal of a person.

To cope with the signs of coccygodynia , it is necessary to treat the pathology of the small pelvis, which provoked the development of this ailment. In this case, the specialist can prescribe antiseptics, antibacterial drugs and other medications.

With severe pain sensations, novocaine blockade can be used , but this procedure is carried out only in a medical institution. This technique is considered the most effective way to relieve pain.

If the symptoms of coccygodynia are associated with pathological mobility of the coccyx, surgery is indicated. In such a situation, this part of the spine is removed.


The combined treatment of coccygodynia consists in carrying out physiotherapy procedures. The most effective of them are the following:

  • ultrasound therapy;
  • paraffin applications;
  • dynamic currents;
  • rectal darsonvalization;
  • laser therapy;
  • mud therapy.

All of these methods help to improve blood circulation in the coccyx area. They can also help reduce inflammation and pain. Usually, such methods are used as an adjunct to drug treatment.

Folk remedies

Treatment of the disease with traditional medicine is based on the use of medicinal plants. You can eliminate the symptoms of the disease using the following formulations:

  1. A solution of lavender angustifolia in vegetable oil. This remedy must be rubbed into the affected area to eliminate pain.
  2. Wheat sprouts. The use of a tablespoon of this product three times a day improves the nutrition of the ligamentous and bone apparatus.
  3. Tincture of young potato sprouts. This product is only suitable for external use.
    Rosehip infusion. This composition contains a large amount of vitamins and minerals. When using such an infusion, you can significantly reduce inflammation and eliminate pain.
  4. Tincture of radish juice and honey. This remedy is used to rub the tailbone, as it effectively copes with the inflammatory process.
  5. A mixture of vinegar and honey. These products must be combined in equal parts, and the resulting composition must be rubbed into the affected area. Thanks to this, pain can be eliminated.


Performing special exercises allows you to reduce pain and improve your condition. Before doing the exercises, it is very important to make sure that there is no damage to the ligamentous apparatus or fractures in the coccyx area.

Usually, with coccygodynia, the following exercises are prescribed:

  1. Lie on your back, between your feet or knees, squeeze a small ball and squeeze it for a few seconds. In this case, the tailbone must be pulled in the other direction.
  2. Take the same position, but bend your legs at the knees. Raise the pelvis up, then lower it down. Keep your shoulders and feet flat on the floor.
  3. Lie on your back, throw your legs behind your head. Stay in this position for a certain time.
  4. Lie on your stomach, at the same time raise your arms and legs above the floor.
  5. Lie on your back and, clasping your hands, pull your knees to your chest.

When doing the exercises, you need to observe your feelings. If pain appears, gymnastics should be stopped immediately.

How to treat at home

Treatment of pathology at home is carried out with the help of tablets and ointments. Also, the doctor may prescribe the use of rectal or vaginal suppositories.

It is useful to perform special exercises to relieve pain in the coccyx area. Recipes of traditional medicine can become auxiliary means.

Coccygodynia is a rather unpleasant pathology, which is accompanied by severe pain sensations and can cause dangerous complications.

Therefore, the first symptoms of the disease should be a signal for a visit to the doctor. In difficult cases, surgery may be required.

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