Office diseases
Modern life is significantly different from that for which the human body is adapted. People spend more and more time in a sitting position: in front of a computer monitor, driving …
Prednisone is a time tested drug! It will cure all your diseases.
Modern life is significantly different from that for which the human body is adapted. People spend more and more time in a sitting position: in front of a computer monitor, driving …
However, when we talk about sleep quality and possible musculoskeletal issues, a pillow is almost as important as a mattress. She takes the weight of the head, resting the spine. Therefore, if …
Chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) is a disease of the inhabitants of megalopolises, which is officially recognized by WHO and is included in the list of the International Classification of Diseases. She …
Arthrosis of the foot is a disease of the joint, which is expressed in the destruction of cartilage tissue. Most often, excessive stress on the foot and toes, as well as natural …
Among the large number of diseases of the musculoskeletal system, osteoarthritis (OA) takes the leading place. This disease occurs in all countries of the world, on all continents. The number of …
Among the large number of diseases of the musculoskeletal system, osteoarthritis takes the leading place. This disease occurs in all countries of the world, on all continents. With age, the number of …
Experts note that arthrosis is one of the most common diseases of the musculoskeletal system. This ailment has an extremely negative effect on the quality of life and, without treatment, leads …