Types of prevention and exercise for osteochondrosis of the spine

In the modern world, 80% of people turn to specialists with back pain. A rather dangerous complication of osteochondrosis is an intervertebral hernia, accompanied by constant pain.

The overwhelming majority of patients diagnosed with osteochondrosis are young people whose life is spent at the computer, in the office and at the wheel.

People of different professions and different ages are susceptible to pathology. Doctors say that in order to avoid treatment, it is enough to observe preventive measures, walk a lot, swim, perform therapeutic exercises.

Principles of preventive treatment of the spine

  1. Protect the spine from bruises and possible mechanical injury, as well as avoid exposure to low temperatures.
  2. Eliminate a long stay in one position.
  3. Selection of special orthopedic furniture. This applies to the choice of table, chair, mattress and pillow.
  4. Selection of safe, high quality clothing and footwear. You can not wear too tight clothes, as a result, the blood circulation process is disturbed. High, thin heels are contraindicated.
  5. Competent lifting and carrying.
  6. Correction of the power supply system.
  7. Physical activity and physiotherapy exercises.
  8. Rejection of bad habits.
  9. Refusal from hot baths.

Methods for the prevention of osteochondrosis

In a situation with osteochondrosis, it is fair to say that regular adherence to preventive measures will save the patient from undergoing a long course of therapy.

As for preventive measures, they are determined individually, depending on the type of pathology and the focus of development.

Prevention of cervical osteochondrosis:

This type of osteochondrosis is the most difficult type of pathology that requires long and difficult treatment.

  • Try to normalize weight (if there are extra pounds) and adjust the regime and diet.
  • Give preference to water sports.
  • During monotonous activities, change your posture and rest more often.
  • Do not artificially create asymmetry – do not carry a load on one shoulder.

Prevention of osteochondrosis of the lumbosacral region:

This type of pathology requires compliance with certain preventive measures.

  • Do not overcool the lower back.
  • Competently approach the issue of weight lifting.
  • Maintain correct posture.
  • Sport is important.
  • Remember that working in an inclined position is dangerous.

Prevention of osteochondrosis of the thoracic region:

With this diagnosis, it is important to add healthy and back-safe sports to life. This will help the spine to maintain its tone, the muscles will be freed from excess stress.

Organization of work and rest regime

The modern world dictates its own living conditions, many today work in offices, sitting at a computer. The correct organization of the workplace is one of the main preventive measures for back disease.

  1. The height of the table top cannot exceed 70 cm, the error is allowed, but minimal.
  2. When choosing a chair, give preference to a lift-and-turn design with armrests. The back should be rigid, with a tilt and height adjustment function. Better if the model is equipped with casters. The height of the chair should allow your feet to always be on the floor.
  3. The keyboard should be below the elbows.
  4. The upper arm and forearm should form an angle of at least 120 degrees.
  5. The gaze should rest on the upper border of the monitor.

Preventive measures cannot be called effective if the period of work is not combined with rest. After an hour of sedentary work, it is important to take five minute breaks.

If you had to sit continuously for three hours, the rest should be twenty minutes. At this time, it is better to do certain exercises, get up from the chair, walk, stretch your muscles, perform bends.

If the situation allows, you need to lie on your back or press your back against the wall with the back of your head, shoulder blades and buttocks and fix yourself for a few minutes.

Proper sleep

In case of pathology, it is important to organize proper rest for the body, this will help avoid morning headaches and not suffer from sleep disturbances.

As a result of complications of pathology, malfunctions in the activity of the brain develop.

How to sleep with osteochondrosis

For a good rest of the back and neck, it is important not just to go to bed, you need to take the right posture.

  1. On the back with bent legs. The lower back experiences tension when the body is fully extended.
  2. On the side. One shoulder rests against the mattress, the head is completely on the pillow.
  3. Embryo pose. It guarantees the best possible rest for the spine. Lying on your side, bend your legs at the knees and pull them to your chest. For comfort, you can place a pad under your upper knee.

Many experts recommend avoiding sleeping on your stomach, in which case the neck muscles experience constant tension. It is harmful to sleep on a mattress that is too soft and on a hard floor.

How to properly lift and carry weights

An improperly lifted load can cause serious spinal injuries, even in healthy people. In case of pathology, it is imperative to follow the recommendations of specialists, because taking care of your own health is a priority issue for every patient.

So, how to properly lift the load and carry it.

  1. Stand in front of the load, facing the direction of travel. One leg is slightly in front, this will give the body a fixed stability.
  2. Bend your legs, but keep your back straight.
  3. Then you should understand whether you are capable of carrying a load of such weight. To do this, you need to take the object with your hands and swing it between your knees.
  4. If you can carry the load, lift it higher, holding it against you. Remember that by increasing the distance between the object and the body, you increase the pressure on the spine. Breathing should remain free.
  5. To lower the load to the ground, you need to bend your knees, but not bend over. The entire load is distributed between the legs, thighs, buttocks and abdomen.

During the transfer of the load, you should not feel asymmetries and imbalances. It is better to distribute the load evenly in two hands or put the item in a backpack (this option is more suitable for patients with kyphosis). During movement, you need to move smoothly, if you feel tired, rest.

For women the maximum weight allowed is 12 kg, and for men it is 25 kg.

Balanced diet

It is important to adjust nutrition in such a way as to fill the diet with the proper amount of special substances that contribute to the synthesis of the cartilaginous tissue of the spine. Such substances are found in jellies, jellies and jellies from fruits.

The diet should be fractional in combination with a large amount of fluid.

The list of products useful for osteochondrosis:

  1. Protein products: meat, eggplant, fish, legumes, nuts, eggs. The number of such products is one third of the total diet.
  2. Minerals: calcium, phosphorus, magnesium and manganese and vitamins: A, D, B and C, which are abundant in vegetables and fruits.

To provide the body with polyunsaturated fatty acids, it is necessary to use vegetable oils for food: olive, flaxseed.

The list of products dangerous for osteochondrosis:

  1. Salt.
  2. Marinades, semi-finished products, fatty foods and spices.
  3. Sugar.
  4. Coffee and soda.

If you need to lose weight, experts recommend eating a rice or salt-free diet.

Physical activity

Many patients mistakenly believe that pathology forces them to abandon any physical activity. However, this statement is true only during the acute phase. Certain sports are even helpful for back pain.

  1. Swimming.
  2. Skis and skates.
  3. Gym.
  4. Pilates and yoga.

Even if you just do simple exercises in the morning and walk, this is already a significant preventive measure of the disease, and also prevents relapse, relieves evening muscle tension.


Competent treatment of pathology is impossible without the regular performance of gymnastics, which locally affects the neck, lower back or back.

Exercises for the cervical spine

  • Lying on your side, raise your head and fix it for five seconds. Repeat 4 to 6 times.
  • Lie on your stomach, clasp your hands in the lock in the back of the head and raise your head through the resistance of the palms.
  • Lie on your back, put a hard pillow under your head and quickly try to push the pillow with your head five times.
  • Sit on a chair and turn your head left and right, achieving maximum amplitude. The number of turns is from 5 to 10 times.
  • Do not change the starting position, lower your head down. Repeat 5 to 10 times.
  • In a similar starting position, put your palm on your forehead and lower your head through the pressure of your hand. Repeat to the right and left, pressing with the palm on the temporal zone.

With chest

  • Stand up, put your feet shoulder-width apart, keep your back straight. Lower your chin to your stomach while bringing your shoulders down. Fix the position for ten seconds. Then bend your back, connect your shoulder blades and tilt your head back. Hold the position again for ten seconds. Repeat ten times.
  • The starting position is also. Alternately raise your shoulders (ten times each) and two together (ten times).
  • The starting position does not change. Perform circular rotations with your shoulders. Back and forth ten times.
  • Stand up, put your legs together. Bend over, trying to touch the knee with your hand. Hold the tilt for ten seconds. Repeat ten times in each direction.

For lumbar

  • Stand up, hands on the belt, feet shoulder-width apart. Lean forward, keeping your back straight, take the starting position, bend back. The number of repetitions is ten times.
  • The starting position is the same. Lean to the sides ten times each.
  • Get on all fours, keep your back straight. Use your hands to make several “steps” to the right and to the left in order to achieve the maximum amplitude of the back. Lock in a bent position for ten seconds. Repeat ten times.
  • Lie on the floor, tighten the abdominal muscles so that the back is pressed against the base. Fix for ten seconds.
  • Lie on your back, bend your legs. Try to connect the elbow and knee of the opposite leg and fix the position for ten seconds.
  • Lie on your back, stretch your arms straight behind your head. Stretch your back and hold for ten seconds.


It is necessary to monitor the health of the spine and posture from the moment the baby takes the first step. First, this is the concern of the parents, then the person himself.

Today there are many effective methods of treating osteochondrosis, but the best among them is the prevention of pathology. After all, an inattentive attitude to such a problem as osteochondrosis can cause serious complications that require long-term therapy.

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