Most of the problems associated with the spine significantly affect a person’s health, well-being and quality of life. They can not only bring discomfort to everyday life, but also threaten serious problems and dangerous diseases.
Intervertebral hernia is considered a particularly dangerous disease of the vertebral section . This disease manifests itself in the form of severe back pain. The clinical picture is as follows: the contents of the fibrous ring penetrate the spinal column, causing dangerous pathologies.
The most effective way to deal with this disease is prevention. Preventive measures help prevent the occurrence of this disease or minimize its manifestations.
Preventive methods to avoid the appearance of a hernia
The easiest way, of course, is to prevent the appearance of a hernia than to treat it. But, preventive methods of treatment are also useful if the disease has already manifested itself. Special techniques will help minimize the consequences of the disease.
Regular visits to medical institutions for help at the first manifestations of pain is the main condition to avoid exacerbation of this disease. The following procedures also reduce the risk of exacerbations:
- Performing therapeutic exercises.
- Unloading the vertebral section (avoiding unnecessary loads on the spine).
- Strict adherence to all medical prescriptions.
Compliance with the above measures quickly brings the desired effect and has a positive effect on the spine.
Disease Prevention Measures
It is worth thinking about the health of the spine, while it has not yet been affected by a dangerous disease. Preventive methods for a healthy spine include:
- Proper nutrition.
- No bad habits.
Smoking greatly slows down blood circulation, and being overweight with obesity puts an additional burden on the spine.
To maintain normal muscle tone, periodic physical activity is recommended. For the spine are useful:
- Run.
- Water sports.
- Bicycle rides.
Do not run other diseases:
- Scoliosis.
- Flat feet.
- Dysplasia.
What you need to know about physical activity with a hernia?
During sports, you should alternate heavy and weak types of loads. This not only trains the muscle corset properly, but also provides rest for the spine. You should also adhere to the following rules:
- Do not lift heavy objects with outstretched arms.
- If you experience severe back pain, stop exercising immediately.
- With exacerbations of the disease – reduce physical activity on the back or replace them with weaker ones.
Lumbar hernia
With an intervertebral hernia, ordinary gymnastics helps well. It promotes:
- Active stimulation of blood supply.
- Strengthening the muscular corset.
- Improving the tone of inflamed joints.
- Elimination of inflammatory processes.
Before starting classes, it is very important to get expert advice. Only a doctor can confirm the diagnosis and prescribe an effective method of physical therapy that will help the treatment, and not aggravate the disease.
For each case of the disease, a separate, isolated complex of treatment is prescribed. This is done taking into account all the features of the disease and, based on the stage at which the disease is located.
Types of exercises for the cervical region
In a sitting or standing position, you should perform head turns, according to the following plan and in strict sequence:
- All the way to the right.
- All the way to the left.
Repeat this exercise 7 to 15 times, while keeping your arms lowered along the body.
For the thoracic spine
Putting a pillow under the thoracic region, lie on your back, turn on your right side, then roll over to your left side. Repeat this exercise several times in a row.
In the supine position, put your palms on your knees. Bending down, try to touch the floor with your head. Return to starting position. During the exercise, the roller should be moved along the entire spine.
In a prone position, place your arms along the body and slightly bend your knees. When performing the exercise, observe the natural rhythm of breathing.
Alternately tense and relax the press. Perform 15-20 times in one session.
From a prone position, raise the body, without lifting the legs. Stay in this position for ten to twelve seconds. Repeat 5-10 times.
To unload the spine:
- Lie on your back.
- Extend your right hand forward.
- Put the hand on the knee of the leg (left).
- Bending the left leg, press the palm of your hand on the kneecap.
- Do the same exercise, changing arms and legs.
Performing these procedures will not only help slow down the course of the disease, but also effectively prevent the onset of its symptoms.