Medical treatment of sciatica: tablets, ointments and patches

Disorders in the spine: osteochondrosis, hernia can provoke sciatica. This is when, as a result of oppression of the radicular nerves in the spine, severe pain occurs.

The body, reacting to a painful factor, creates tension in the muscles at the site of the problem. A persistent circle of reactions appears that aggravate the problem and translate it into a chronic course.

The spasm increases the pain and provokes even more oppression of the nerve. The inflammatory process progresses. If you do not start treatment on time, then the nerve ending, which has fallen into constrained circumstances, begins to disappear.

Each radicular nerve transfers control to certain organs. As a result, functional failures begin in the relevant bodies.

To interrupt the cycle of reactions that keep the problem in persistent progression, it is necessary to see a doctor as soon as possible. In his direction, undergo examination and start treatment. Without drugs, this problem cannot be dealt with.

treatment of sciatica

If you have acute lower back pain, you need to go to bed, take a couple of pain-relieving pills and call a doctor. It is necessary to provide the lower back with an even hard surface and warmth.

The comprehensive treatment program includes many activities. The first stage is drug treatment. There is a large arsenal of medicines in tablet form, injections and ointments.

The goals of medical therapy

  1. First, the doctor prescribes drugs that remove:
    • pain syndrome,
    • inflammation,
    • edema,
    • muscle spasm.
  2. When the severity of the situation decreases, the course is supplemented with drugs that help to cope with the cause of sciatica. Since sciatica is caused by various disorders, this part of the treatment is prescribed in accordance with this individual cause:
    • metabolic disease,
    • hernia,
    • proliferation of the vertebral body,
    • and other reasons.

Pain relievers and anti-inflammatory pills

The most commonly accepted drugs for relieving a painful symptom are non-steroidal drugs.

They cope with three tasks simultaneously: pain relief, muscle spasm relief, inflammation suppression.

NSAIDs that are used to treat sciatica:

  • Ibuprofen,
  • Ketonal ,
  • Voltaren ,
  • Panoxen
  • Ketoprofen,
  • Ketorol ,
  • Diclofenac,
  • Ortofen ,
  • Naproxen ,
  • Movalis ,
  • Nimesulide .

The medicine must be selected by a doctor, because they have contraindications and a list of side effects.

Among the listed drugs, the drugs called Movalis and Nimesulide belong to the selective group, the rest are non-selective. Selective NVPS are more recent developments.

Their peculiarity is that after taking them, there is a decrease in the production of substances that support the inflammatory process. Non-selective analogs, in addition to the same function, also reduce the production of substances by the body that protect the gastric mucosa from the action of acid and perform several more useful actions.

Therefore, they are capable of causing some harm to the body. Use non-selective NSAIDs with caution.

The most effective drugs are in the form of injections. Specialists prescribe injections at the beginning of the course. When the acute pain relieves, pills and topical preparations are added.

Effective ointments

Along with taking painkillers inside, experts prescribe the use of drugs in the form of ointments to the place of the problem.

Ointments with components of non-steroidal drugs:

  • Finalgon,
  • Nise- gel,
  • Voltaren ,
  • Ketoprofen,
  • Diclofenac.

With radiculitis, creams with a warming and irritating effect are effective . The components of such preparations are bee and snake venoms, red hot peppers and other substances.

  • Apisatron – contains bee venom,
  • Viprasal – contains viper venom,
  • Capsicam – contains red pepper,
  • Capsitrin is the same.

Which ointment is better, reviews

  • Good reviews from patients regarding Diclofenac ointment. It is noted that when using it on a problem area, the pain goes away within a short time. Its disadvantages include – for some users, on the third day of using the ointment, stomach discomfort begins.
  • Some patients used Viprosal at night, insulating the back well, and during the day – Diclofenac, the acute pain quickly relieved.
  • Many positive reviews from Kapsikam users . The ointment actively warms up the place of its application and irritates, it is an effective pain reliever. You just need to take measures so as not to burn yourself.
  • The use of Ketonal ointment reliably relieves pain . Users attributed to the disadvantages that the result is obtained not as quickly as they wanted on about the third day of using the drug.

Radiculitis patch

Plasters are used to relieve lower back or neck pain .

These tools include

  • Nanoplast – can be attached to a sore spot for twelve hours.
  • Olfen – contains the active ingredient diclofenac. It has a prolonged action, the patch is safe to use and effective. It can be worn for twelve hours without taking off.
  • Pepper plaster – worn on a sore spot for up to two days until discomfort appears. Then they take it off, the place can be greased with petroleum jelly. The patch contains herbal ingredients, including red hot pepper and belladonna extract.

The use of patches minimizes side effects from the drugs included in them. The application of the patches is convenient and brings pain relief to patients.


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