Lumbago treatment

Lumbago is a sharp pain in the lumbar region, probably familiar to many. An exacerbation of lumbago is expressed in severe and sudden pain in the lumbar region, which then begins to spread in different directions, burning the body. As a rule, the duration of such pain is from one to three days. In some cases, a lumbago attack can last a longer time.

Etiological factors of the development of lumbago

For some time there was an opinion that toxic substances, bacteria and viruses that cause the inflammatory process act as factors that provoke the disease. In modern medicine, it is proved that lumbago is caused by pathologies of the spine. As a rule, the reason for the development of lumbago is osteochondrosis of the lumbar region. The cartilage lining between the vertebrae loses its elasticity and loses its ability to cushion. As a result, the intervertebral discs undergo pathological changes, begin to shift and exfoliate. From this, lumbago arises.

During the development of a lumbago attack, the body tries to help itself on its own. Signals to the brain indicate that a displacement of the discs has occurred. The brain responds to this with a spasm of muscle tissue, which blocks the further movement of the displaced disk in order to prevent further damage. In this situation, the patient needs bed rest. The most optimal posture for carrying out an attack of lumbago is lying on your back on a flat and hard surface. Helps relieve knee joint flexion pain.

Lumbago treatment

Treatment of lumbago should be started already at the first symptoms of a starting attack, even if the attack was not intense. Lumbago treatment begins with a visit to a neurologist.


After examination, the patient is sent for further analyzes and studies, which include x-ray examination of the spine, magnetic resonance imaging. The last research method is necessary to exclude the presence of neoplasm and inflammation. Treatment of lumbago is divided into medicinal and conservative.

Drug treatment of lumbago

The main objective of the medicinal treatment of lumbago is the prevention of further attacks. In addition to complying with strict bed rest during an exacerbation of the disease, a seven-day course of drugs against the inflammatory process is prescribed. Such medicines can be in the form of ointments and suppositories, injections and drugs aimed at relieving muscle spasm.

In the case of treatment of lumbago, ointments with a warming effect are used only during the recovery period, that is, after a decline in the exacerbation of the disease, since when they are used during the acute course of the disease, they can increase swelling and pain.

Vitamins B are prescribed as supporting agents. In case of intense pain, blockade with novocaine is carried out or corticosteroid drugs are used.

Conservative treatment of lumbago

Conservative treatment of lumbago aims at eliminating the risk of a subsequent attack of the disease and solving the problem of the underlying disease. To this end, after the decline in exacerbation of the disease, treatment of the underlying disease, osteochondrosis, begins. In modern neurology, many programs have been developed for the effective treatment of this pathology.

The main method of conservative treatment of lumbago is considered to be the formation of clearly measured loads that can reduce pressure between the vertebral discs. In addition, measures are being taken to strengthen nerves and muscle mass. Again, these therapeutic measures begin only after the attack is completed. The best positive effect is achieved with an integrated approach, including special health exercises and the use of drugs.

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