How does the dry spine traction technique work?

The musculoskeletal system is one of the most important and fragile systems of the body. Very often, especially with age, she begins to show malfunctions, which are characterized by a violation of posture, the appearance of a characteristic inconsistency when walking. Sometimes it takes a long time to deal with these ailments, doctors prescribe complex procedures that do not always quickly eliminate the pain caused by curvature or disturbance of the intervertebral discs.


What is the essence of dry stretching?

For carrying out the dry traction procedure, a special apparatus is used that resembles a bed and is designed to fully affect the entire human spine. Thanks to specially designed forms of exposure to the body, doctors manage to alternate:

  1. light vibrating massage.
  2. local mechanical effect on the elements of bone and muscle tissue.
  3. dosed traction.
  4. exposure to heat (high temperatures).

The purpose of the procedure is to unload the spine, remove the block of muscle cramps and reduce internal pressure. Correct fulfillment of the conditions of the method over time allows increasing the height of the intervertebral discs and eliminating the compression of nerve formations.

What problems does dry spinal traction solve?

Due to the timely appointment of treatment in the form of dry traction, osteochondrosis, spinal injuries, intervertebral hernias and pinched nerves can be quickly cured. However, in some cases there may be contraindications for the procedure, among them – tumors that can grow due to heat exposure, acute forms of the disease, requiring more radical methods of treatment, predisposition to bleeding, etc.

Advantages of the method:

  • motor segments of the spine are unloaded
  • blocks of intervertebral joints are eliminated
  • safe horizontal position of the patient’s body ensures the safety of the procedure.

Who is prescribed dry traction?

Among the indications for prescribing dry traction therapy are not only diseases of the spine. Very often, the procedure helps to restore the body after surgery, as well as help tone the body. It is especially important that for each case, the doctor prescribes an individual course of treatment, which can be supplemented by manual therapy methods or vice versa be quick (up to 5 procedures). On average, a full exposure requires passage from 5 to 8 procedures.

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