High potassium foods

Among the many trace elements that we always hear, a significant place belongs to potassium. Even people who do not have special knowledge in the field of medicine know that this element is useful for health in general and for heart health in particular. More initiates know that potassium is one of the main minerals in the human body and is a participant in most biochemical reactions. It is very important to understand what foods contain potassium in addition to the well-known banana.

What we need to know about potassium

Replacing potassium in the body is impossible with nothing. The functioning of the kidneys and heart, the development of muscle tissue and the brain without potassium are unthinkable. Of course, the need for potassium for the heart muscle makes it especially necessary for life.
Water – electrolyte balance in the body plays a very important role. Potassium plays a leading role in its regulation. He also maintains an adequate level of cellular osmotic pressure. In conjunction with magnesium and sodium, potassium is involved in the regulation of acid – base balance in the body. Potassium is not produced from the body’s reserves and must come from outside regularly. We are fortunate that the fruits and vegetables growing in our region abound with this trace element. But the mere fact of growth is not enough for our body to be saturated with potassium. You need knowledge about a balanced diet. Unfortunately, the culture of eating in our region leaves much to be desired. Often people, instead of preparing a nutritious and healthy vegetable or fruit dish to eat raw vegetables or fruits, cheese, prefer to eat a sandwich. Such food is very depleted in the mineral and vitamin composition of our body, including causing a lack of potassium. The body contains about grams of potassium, of which only three grams are found in blood serum, the rest is in the cells. The necessary daily rate of potassium, which he should take with food is about 3-5 grams. The necessary dose increases in direct proportion to physical activity and sport. If intense sweating has occurred or a person has been taking diuretics, the dose of potassium must be increased. Potassium should also be sufficiently present in the diet of a pregnant woman.

Why potassium is useful for us

1. It regulates blood pressure.
This microelement contributes to the elasticity of blood vessels, due to which cholesterol plaques do not settle on their walls, leading to atherosclerosis. As a result, a person does not face blood pressure problems and its consequences for the body. By the way, at the first manifestations of high blood pressure, a patient may be prescribed a potassium preparation or products with a high potassium content.
2. Regulates the functioning of the kidneys.
According to studies, potassium is an element necessary to reduce blood acidity and prevent the formation of calculi in the kidneys.
3. Promotes the elimination of excess fluid.
With sufficient use of this element, the water balance in the body is balanced, ensuring the proper functioning of all organs and systems and maintaining normal body weight.
4. Protects against stress.
The nervous system gratefully responds to the intake of a sufficient amount of potassium. This is expressed in lowering the threshold of irritability, the absence of dizziness and headaches and insomnia.
5. Improves metabolism.
With a lack of potassium, you can not lose weight for a long time, even adhering to a diet. With a lack of potassium, metabolic processes slow down, including the breakdown of fats and weight loss.
6. Glucose transforms into energy

Potassium is necessary for the decomposition of glucose and its conversion into energy. With the failure of this process, we experience fatigue, lethargy and reduced ability to work.
7. Helps relieve muscle cramps.
If you have cramps and muscle cramps, be aware that this is due to a lack of potassium.
8. Promotes active brain activity.
It is potassium that is responsible for supplying the brain with oxygen. For this reason, its lack is manifested in a decrease in brain activity, mental fatigue, a decrease in memory, attention and concentration.
9. Responsible for strengthening bones.
A healthy skeleton depends not only on a sufficient phosphorus content, but also potassium. In order not to encounter problems of the spine, joints, osteoporosis and osteochondrosis, monitor the level of potassium in the body.

Potassium – magnesium balance

It is impossible to overestimate the values ​​of magnesium for the myocardium. But for the successful functioning of this trace element, potassium is needed. It is the union of these two components that guarantees the correct metabolic processes in the myocardial region and the maintenance of the cardiovascular system as a whole. If the functioning of the elements is harmonious, then the person is not threatened with arrhythmia, atherosclerosis, angina pectoris, heart failure. You can also feel better memory and concentration. It is especially recommended to pay attention to the presence in potassium products of persons who have experienced a stroke or heart attack.


Potassium – sodium balance

One of the satellites of potassium is sodium. These trace elements are closely related. If the level of sodium rises, it is necessary to increase the amount of potassium. For example, in tomato juice with salt, the necessary balance of trace elements is disturbed. With a high level of potassium in the juice, it depreciates with sodium, which is twice as much in this juice.
How does potassium
deficiency manifest ? Symptomatic potassium deficiency resembles a number of other disorders. You feel drowsiness, lethargy, muscle weakness, interruptions in the work of the heart, loss of appetite. With a far-reaching problem, arthrosis, digestive disorders and heart problems appear. Ignoring the problem can lead to a stroke or even oncology.
Causes of a lack of potassium in the body
The reasons leading to a deficiency of potassium in the body include:
• Large amounts of alcohol
• Smoking
• Metabolic disorders
• Diuretic drugs
• High physical activity
• Drug use
• Abuse of salt in the diet
Potassium deficiency leads to serious malfunctions in the body. Be attentive to your diet: getting useful trace elements from products is easy, you just want to.

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