Osteochondrosis is a pathological condition that is provoked by displacement of the vertebrae and a violation of their integrity, destruction of tissues in different parts of the spine. Most often, it develops in people of advanced age, although in recent years it has been increasingly found among young people. The reason for this is a sedentary lifestyle and a long stay in a sitting position. This back problem can be prevented by performing physiotherapy exercises (exercise therapy) for prevention. In addition, exercise therapy is able to stop the progress of osteochondrosis and facilitate its course.
Exercise therapy and its main tasks
Osteochondrosis, as a rule, does not manifest itself in the early stages, and people often consider minor back pains as consequences of prolonged wearing of heels or excessive fatigue. At the same time, having begun to develop at a young age, this condition can manifest itself at full strength only at 30, or even at 40. That is why, having felt even slight pain in the spine, you should consult a doctor and begin to perform exercise therapy as a prophylaxis or treatment.
The main tasks that therapeutic gymnastics helps to solve:
- decrease in pain in the spine and head;
- stopping the progress of the disease and achieving stable remission;
- the provision of a healing effect;
- strengthening the muscles of the spine;
- increase body tone and energy level;
- gaining a fit figure.
It is important to understand that such therapeutic measures do not help get rid of osteochondrosis, since it is impossible to restore the changed bone tissue. However, exercise therapy contributes to a significant improvement in the back and overall well-being. To obtain a positive effect from exercises, you must adhere to the following rules:
- start training only after consulting a doctor;
- with acute pain in the spine, you should first deal with their elimination;
- Do not perform exercise therapy if there are any contraindications to them;
- before a workout, do a light workout;
- work out at least an hour after eating;
- Choose stretching and comfortable clothing from breathing fabrics for training;
- Perform all movements smoothly and carefully;
- in case of pain, stop training and consult a doctor.
Contraindications for exercise therapy
There are a number of health conditions in which it is contraindicated to perform a set of exercises in physiotherapy exercises. Among them:
- acute period of the disease;
- recovery period after surgery;
- any infections of a viral or bacterial nature;
- problems with the cardiovascular system;
- pressure surges;
- diseases of the nervous system;
- pregnancy and lactation.
Side effects during exercise therapy do not occur if all the rules for their implementation are followed, however, during the first training sessions dizziness may occur due to improved blood circulation and gas exchange.
Exercises for the cervical spine
The neck is a rather vulnerable place, the trauma of which may go unnoticed for a long time until the appearance of the first unpleasant symptoms. It is osteochondrosis of the cervical spine that brings the most inconvenience, since when the vertebrae are displaced, blood circulation in this area is disturbed, the brain does not receive the necessary amount of oxygen and other nutrients, headaches can begin and clouding of consciousness may appear.
Exercise therapy for the cervical spine involves performing articular gymnastics, as well as isometric fitness elements. Joint gymnastics is performed immediately for the whole body, it should begin with the head and gradually move down. First, you should perform smooth turns and tilts of the head, then go to the study of the shoulder joints, elbows, hands and so on.
Isometric exercises involve taking a certain position of the head and fixing it for a while. You can also resist the movement of the head with your hand. For example, grab your head with your right hand so that your palm rests on your left temple. With the palm of your hand, try to tilt your head to the right and at the same time, with the strength of the muscles of the neck, resist your own hand. Having taken the tilt position, hold it for 2-3 seconds and repeat the movement again.
A set of exercises for the chest
When osteochondrosis occurs in the thoracic region, the main task of exercise therapy is to improve blood circulation in this zone, relieve pain and strengthen the muscle corset.
A set of exercises for the chest:
- Stand with your back to the wall so that the entire back surface of the body is pressed to it as much as possible. Raise your arms vertically up and reach for the ceiling, holding at the peak of the lift for 10 seconds.
- Sit on the floor, legs together and stretch forward. Keeping your back straight, stretch your palms to your feet.
- Perform the Planck exercise, keeping your torso in one straight line, standing on straight arms or forearms.
When performing this set of exercises, all movements should be done smoothly and carefully, carefully developing and strengthening the back muscles.
Exercise exercises for osteochondrosis of the lumbar
Osteochondrosis of the lumbar spine is more common in people than the rest, since it is this part of the back that has the greatest pressure. To relieve stress in this area and general stretching of the spine, it is useful to hang on the horizontal bar several times a day for the maximum possible time.
You can also strengthen the muscles of the lumbar region, relieve pain in this area and stop the development of the disease using the following exercises:
- Lie on the gymnastics mat face down, arms and legs outstretched. Alternately raise one arm and the opposite leg. Move slowly, lingering a little at the highest point.
- Remaining in the same position, raise your arms and legs at the same time above the floor and try to hold this position for at least 5 seconds. Sit down on the floor and do the exercise again.
- Remaining lying on the floor, rest your palms on it and slightly raise the upper body on your hands. Turn your head to the side so deep that you can see both feet.