The effect of water on the joints, teeth and bones of a person

The importance of water for the human body

Water makes up 70-80% of the entire human body. The human brain contains 85% of this fluid. The embryo is 95% water. It is even in the bones – up to 30%. Water in the body plays the role of the main solvent and provides the organs with all the substances they need: oxygen, salts, enzymes, hormones.

All these substances are water-soluble, but when dissolved, the chemical composition of water plays an important role. After all, the properties of this solvent deteriorate with an increase in the volume of impurities. So, foreign impurities make up one fifth of the water from the water supply, and only 4/5 of the volume drunk remains useful for a person.

For the structure of the bone tissue that makes up the teeth and bones, muscle tissue, including the heart muscle, as well as to enhance the conductive capacity of the nervous tissue, the body needs calcium. Excess calcium to the human body is neutral. But a large amount of it in water reduces its quality. Due to calcium salts, the water becomes cloudy, scale forms.

How joint pain depends on the amount of water drunk per day

The surface of the joint of a young organism is smooth, almost mirror-like. And the cartilage is covered with a fluid that is a lubricant that protects against excessive friction and injury. The gel that makes up hyaline cartilage contains approximately 80% water. If the body does not have enough of it, this condition is called dehydration. It can lead to drying of not only muscles, tendons, ligaments, but also cartilage.

With age, the surface of the cartilage changes. They lose moisture, and their surface can crack with careless movement. The bones under them are exposed and begin to touch each other. Because of this friction, a specific crunch occurs and pain appears.

The first signs of joint disease

Any pain experienced in the joints should be alarming. This may be pain when walking up stairs or during other physical activity, migratory pain (in the elbow, shoulder, knee, etc.) or a feeling of impaired mobility. All this suggests that the deformation of the joints has occurred and the immediate help of a rheumatologist is required. The faster it is addressed, the more effective the treatment will be.

Is the prevention of diseases of the joints drinking enough water

Prevention of joint disease is a set of measures, including a healthy diet, weight control, and water balance. In the human body, as in a well, without water exchange, water stagnates, causing pollution. That is why health care is so important.

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