Soviet cosmonaut G.M. Grechko once said: “Whoever got up on alpine skiing at least once will never part with them!” The speed, amazing views, indescribable sensations and “elitism” of this sport attract hundreds of thousands of people. In terms of the number of injuries, alpine skiing takes the second place, letting only football pass ahead. In Germany, where more than 100 thousand people go to the slopes every year, about 20 thousand return with injuries. By the way, in terms of the severity of the injuries received, alpine skis have no competitors. What injuries do skiers face? Statistics of skiers injuries: • knee – 25.2% of the total number of injured; • ankle joints – 8.4%; • shins – 14.2%; • head – 7.9%; • the belt of the upper extremities – 5.6%; • brushes – 6.5%; • lower limb girdle, pelvis, spine – 6.1%. The structure of injuries is dominated by fractures (35%), ligament ruptures (27%) and sprains (12%). Cranial – 4%. Also in alpine skiing there is a risk of frostbite, hypothermia. Knee joint The main provocative role is played by the twisting force on the knee when cornering, maneuvering on the track. And, of course, bruises from a fall. 1. Damage to the anterior and posterior cruciate ligaments of the knee joint. “Crosses” are torn during a sharp twisting of the supporting leg, for example, if the ski suddenly changes direction or stops. Most of these injuries in our clinic are treated conservatively, but sometimes there is a need for reconstructive surgery. 2. Damage to the meniscus. These shock-absorbing “pads” in the knee joint are loaded more when descending than when walking. And with an unsuccessful movement, twisting, the meniscus can pinch or come off. Then the knee wedges, there is a sharp sharp pain. Treatment is usually conservative, but sometimes menisci have to be operated on. 3. Ankle joints The mechanism of injury is the twisting of the foot in case of an unsuccessful turn, fall, hitting an obstacle (a bump under the snow). A typical injury is a sprain. Less common, but more serious, is ankle fracture, tearing it off the shin bones. Both types of injuries are manifested by pain in the injured ankle, but without an X-ray of the joint, a fracture cannot be ruled out. Shin bones As a rule, collisions with other skiers cause bruises. Fractures occur as a result of falls, unsuccessful jumps, collisions with an obstacle at high speed. Head and neck You can hit your head in any way you like: fall, collide, hit on the head with a stick (accidentally or deliberately). Therefore, a helmet is required. In terms of severity, mild concussions predominate. But in some situations, high speeds, there is a risk of serious injury (for example – M. Schumacher, known throughout the world of the Formula 1 race). With sudden braking or collisions, a whiplash injury to the neck occurs. As a result, the ligaments and muscles of the cervical spine are stretched. The result is a picture of cervical osteochondrosis and a lack of cerebral circulation (pain and stiffness in the neck, dizziness attacks, numbness in the hands, tinnitus, etc.). In the clinic, we often see patients with a whiplash injury and know how to work with it. Upper limb belt Typical shoulder injuries in skiers: • fractures of the shoulder, collarbone – occur when collisions with other skiers, trees, and falls; • rupture or stretching of the acromioclavicular ligament – as a result of falling on an outstretched arm; • dislocation of the shoulder – blow to the shoulder, fall, collision; • stretching or rupture of the rotator cuff of the shoulder – in case of an unsuccessful movement, when the pole during the swing clings to an obstacle, with significant effort on the pole. A serious nuisance is the frequent dislocation of the humerus, which can lead to the formation of a habitual dislocation. Then the head of the humerus will pop out from the slightest effort. Hand and wrist joint The skier’s hands are less loaded than the legs, but they are still often injured. 1. “Skier’s finger”. A typical injury for this sport and hockey. The mechanism is a fall with a stick held in hand or onto the belt of a stick. As a result, the ligaments of the thumb are torn. The problem is that as a result of such an injury, the grasping function of the finger suffers, and surgical intervention is required. 2. Sprained wrist. It is enough just to fall on your hand, it does not matter with a stick or not. 3. Fractures of the fingers. Occurs during a fall or when a hand hits the ground, a solid obstacle. Lower limb belt, back All skiers fall. Beginners – more often, experienced – less often. And every fall is a risk of back injury: bruises, sprains of muscles and back ligaments. In severe cases, fractures of the transverse and spinous processes, fractures of the vertebral bodies. The buttocks and thighs also suffer from bruises. People with intervertebral hernias should be especially careful on slopes. Preventing Injury The best way to reduce the likelihood of injury is to be well prepared, first and foremost physically. It is necessary to work out the muscles of the legs, back, hone the sense of balance. You need to start skiing under the guidance of an instructor, learn to stand on skis, turn and fall. Otherwise, there is a risk of injury even on a simple track and slow descent. Warm-up is mandatory: this is the prevention of sprains, dyspepsia. And do not ride alone: sometimes not even a serious injury leads to immobilization of a person and he, without assistance, runs the risk of frostbite and hypothermia. If you get injured while skiing, make an appointment at the clinic of Doctor Grigorenko – we have experienced specialists and European technologies of treatment and rehabilitation. We will help to restore ease of movement.