The effectiveness of physical exercise in osteochondrosis of the spine

In fact, any articular tissue is susceptible to osteochondrosis , but the pathology mainly affects the intervertebral discs.

About the development of such a disease, the patient is told by sudden pain in the lower back, sacrum, neck, chest or between the shoulder blades. They appear spontaneously, more often due to awkward movement.

Although often pain syndrome appears for no apparent reason at all in a calm state. But the most common cause of such symptoms is physical activity.

The effect of physical activity

The best way to counter further destructive processes is to charge. For its implementation, there is no need to resort to special physical efforts.

Short and small, regular sessions are suitable even for elderly patients.

Such training can be easily carried out at home and it is not at all necessary to purchase expensive equipment for this. But some exercises must be carried out under strict medical supervision and on specialized equipment such as gymnastics machines, a crossbar or Evminov’s board .

The effectiveness of physical activities is manifested in such changes as:

  • Excellent blood supply to the spinal cord, brain, and tissues located near the lesions;
  • Strengthening the corset formed by muscle tissue;
  • Straightening the spine, twisted by the disease;
  • The motor amplitude of the affected vertebrae expands;
  • The distance between the vertebrae becomes greater, due to which the release of the pinched nerves occurs;
  • Exercise is considered an excellent preventive measure for the occurrence of osteochondrosis complications.

With the help of regular charging, the patient will be able to get rid of the symptoms in the part of the spine that has undergone pathological damage.

Charging from cervical osteochondrosis at home

Neck lesions are quite common in medical practice. To avoid the development of such a pathology or reduce osteochondrosis symptoms, experts recommend doing the following exercises:

  1. Turning the head in different directions to a possible stop;
  2. Throwing your head back, press alternately with your right and left ears to your shoulders;
  3. Tilts the head all the way to the chest with the chin.

It is recommended to exercise in the morning after getting out of bed.

If possible, do some of the elements during the day right in the workplace. This will get rid of pain in the neck and head, normalize blood flow and oxygen supply in the brain.

With thoracic osteochondrosis of the spine

A good practice to prevent osteochondrosis lesions of the chest is to constantly maintain correct posture: while sitting, walking, and other activities.

The most effective movements against thoracic osteochondrosis lesions are:

  • You need to sit comfortably on a chair and lean with both shoulder blades on its back. Now begin to bend smoothly, throwing your head back and stretching behind it;
  • Taking a deep breath, you need to try to bend in the sternum, and as you exhale, straighten back. Breathing should be even and calm;
  • Sitting on a bench, tilt your torso to the sides, hands should be on your hips;
  • Sitting on the floor, perform rowing movements, imitating paddle work;
  • Alternately reduce-spread the shoulder blades;
  • To simulate feline movement, bend your chest vertebrae out of a crouching position.

For the lumbar

Osteochondrosis lesions of the lower back arise as a result of increased loads on this department due to the person’s ability to upright posture . This is due to the fact that the lower back performs shock-absorbing functions.

An excellent preventive measure against pathological destruction of the lumbar vertebrae is considered to be active life and regular exercise. This will help relieve stress on articular, ligamentous and muscle tissues.

Lesions of the lumbar vertebrae require loads associated with stretching the spine and exerting force on it. Among strength exercises, the following are especially effective:

  • Lateral slopes;
  • Torso turns;
  • Squats and half- squats ;
  • Tilts back and forth;
  • Raising the pelvis from a lying position.

As for the charging aimed at traction, it involves the execution of a hang on a horizontal bar. In the process of performing such an exercise, the intervertebral distance increases under the influence of the patient’s own weight.

Not all patients succeed in performing such actions, for example, elderly patients or pregnant women cannot do this. For such patients, experts recommend stretching the vertebrae, taking an embryonic position.

General rules of execution

Experts have developed a list of recommendations, subject to which charging will not bring any complications and negative consequences:

  1. The actions performed should be smooth, even;
  2. Watch your posture, it should be straight, and your back should be level, even when walking;
  3. Charge in calm conditions, you should not be disturbed by extraneous sounds such as loud screams or bright lights;
  4. Training clothes should not be constraining or constraining;
  5. Any pain during training is a signal to stop charging;
  6. Daily exercise should become the life credo of a patient with osteochondrosis lesions;
  7. If the patient’s activity is associated with sedentary work, then it is necessary to take a short gymnastic break at least once every 60 minutes – you need to get up and walk a little, make several bends , march a little , raising your knees high, etc.;
  8. The most favorable for the vertebrae, from a medical point of view, are the poses on the side or on the back, so it is recommended to go to sleep in one of these body positions;
  9. Watch your water balance by drinking enough fluids per day, as water has a beneficial effect on disc health and muscle tone.


Exercise is considered an effective technique and gives good results in anti-osteochondrosis therapy, but not every patient will benefit from such exercises. Charging is contraindicated:

  • In the presence of neoplasms of oncological origin;
  • Cardiovascular diseases or pathologies of an infectious nature, especially with their exacerbation;
  • During pregnancy;
  • The presence of injuries to the musculoskeletal or spinal system.

Before performing any charging, you must obtain the advice of an experienced and qualified exercise therapy expert. Such experts argue that physical exercise is the only effective solution.

The use of drugs allows only for a short time to eliminate pain and other osteochondrosis symptoms, but does not eliminate the immediate causes of pathology. To cope with this can only be done with a properly selected complex, performed daily.

The correct approach to therapy and regular physical activity will allow you to completely forget about pathology.

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