Therapeutic gymnastics has established itself as a highly effective therapeutic technique against osteochondrosis lesions of the sacrum and lower back.
Such physical education affects the cause of the development of pathological processes and relieves symptomatic manifestations of the disease.
The need for exercise therapy for lumbar osteochondrosis of the spine
As you know, osteochondrosis develops in connection with a violation of material-metabolic processes. Regular exercise therapy has an impact on these violations, eliminating them.
The result of such actions is the stimulation of metabolic and a decrease in the intensity of pathological processes, the restoration of disk nutrition, etc.
Metabolic disorders leading to osteochondrosis are caused by muscle weakness, spinal trauma, inactivity, heavy load, posture disorders, various pathological conditions, etc. Almost all of these factors are eliminated with the help of exercise therapy.
The main thing is to approach the selection of exercises correctly, to dose the load, to follow the recommendations for the implementation of physical education elements. Then the patient will be able to achieve noticeable improvements in his condition.
Important principles of execution
You do not need to start classes of your own free will. The specialist should prescribe the exercise therapy procedures after the examination, taking into account the contraindications to such a therapeutic technique.
In order for exercise therapy classes not to harm the patient, certain conventions must be observed:
- Training should take place at a slow pace, preferably focusing on each exercise, performing it in a smooth mode;
- In the process of exercise therapy, it is necessary to control the sensations; when pain appears, charging should be stopped immediately;
- In case of an exacerbation, the first step is to get rid of the pain syndrome, for this purpose it is recommended to perform gentle movements that will support the patient’s spine;
- When the remission period is reached , it is recommended to exercise daily. If the exacerbation of the pathology continues, then it is necessary to wait for the relief of pain and improvement in the general condition;
- When performing exercise therapy elements, it is necessary to avoid sharp bends, lunges or turns of the body. Such actions can cause attacks of pain, up to a deterioration in the general condition of the patient;
- It is necessary to supplement the complex of classes with new elements gradually and with the approval of the doctor, the intensity of exercise therapy should also be under control;
- You need to breathe calmly, evenly during the procedure;
- If the symptoms have noticeably increased, it is necessary to abandon classes. You can try again later with the painful movement, but only with less intensity. In case of recurrence of pain, it is worth excluding this element from the daily exercise therapy complex;
- It is very useful to perform hangs (30 seconds or one minute) without touching the floor with your feet. This exercise can be done on a bar or horizontal bar. It helps in the elimination of nerve-root entrapment, which allows you to get rid of pain. Another useful property of hanging exercises is the correct posture that they form;
- The best option is a sequential alternation of dynamic and static elements, then the effectiveness of exercise therapy will become much higher;
- In order to avoid incorrect performance of exercise therapy elements, it is recommended that the first trainings be carried out under the guidance of a qualified instructor, only then you can begin independent exercises.
Positive effect
It is worth preparing in advance, since exercise therapy does not give an immediate result. To achieve sustained effectiveness, it is necessary to practice daily, only then, after some time, exercise therapy will provide the proper action. Some patients begin to feel better after the first exercise.
In general, regular exercise therapy classes provide the following result:
- Reducing the patient’s weight, thereby reducing the load on his vertebrae;
- Correction of posture, due to which the excessive impact on the spinal column is reduced. If you always keep your back correctly, then this will relieve muscle spasm and reduce the likelihood of injury;
- Increased mobility in the affected vertebrae;
- Blood supply and flow of lymphatic fluid into the lumbar affected area is significantly improved, which ultimately leads to a reduction in the rehabilitation period and the restoration of material metabolism;
- Muscle elasticity and strength are increased, thanks to which the support of the spinal system is improved and the load on it is reduced.
Physiotherapy exercises in the acute period
Usually, patients are shown to be in bed during an exacerbation of lumbar osteochondrosis lesions. Therefore, the elements of exercise therapy are used for the purpose of general health promotion. They are done while lying in bed on an orthopedic mattress or on the floor.
It is necessary to perform 10 repetitions of each element:
- Stretch out the stomach as much as possible when inhaling and draw it deeply when exhaling;
- Stretch the upper and lower limbs while sitting comfortably on your back. Taking a deep breath, bend your arms at the elbows and exhale while extending them;
- Perform the exercise “Frog” – take your knees to the sides in turn (right, then left);
- Pull legs bent at the knees to the stomach alternately. When doing it, you need to control your feelings, reducing the range of motion when pain occurs;
- Alternately, smoothly move your legs to the sides, resting your other foot on the bed, while you need to bend it at the knee.
It is necessary to perform exercise therapy elements during such a period with the utmost care, you need to do the workout lying down, and if the slightest feeling of pain appears, you must stop exercising.
Subacute period
At this time, there is some improvement in the condition, the soreness is alleviated, and the motor capabilities increase. Therefore, you can diversify classes with more dynamic elements:
- It is necessary to bend both legs at the knees and, leaning on the bed with them, raise the lumbosacral zone;
- Relaxation-tension of the muscles of the buttocks;
- Bend your legs at the knees and alternately raise your legs up. If soreness suddenly arises, then the limbs can not be raised completely;
- Perform exercise “Cat”, which involves arching the back from a position on all fours.
During remission
This stage in the development of pathology makes it possible to supplement exercise therapy with a mass of the most effective exercises, involving an increase in the load due to the complication of gymnastic elements.
The main condition for such training is the absence of overload and strict control over sensations. Such exercise should not be painful, as it can cause serious exacerbations.
A workout can include the following elements:
- From a lying position on your side, it is necessary to pull up the upper leg to the maximum possible stop, in order to thereby stretch the lumbar muscles;
- From a position on all fours, alternately raise your legs, stretching the toe, trying to feel the stretch of the muscles in the hip and lower back; at the same time you need to bend in the sacrum and lower back;
- It is necessary to sit on bent legs so that the heels touch the gluteal zone, while it is necessary to raise your arms above your head and grab your fingers. The essence of the exercise is rolling from the left buttocks to the right and back;
- Bend over, touching your toes with your hands, at the same time you need to try to press your chest to your legs.
A set of exercises on fitball
In modern fitness halls, such a gymnastic apparatus as a fitball has long been used . He will be able to help in the elimination of osteochondrosis lumbosacral lesions:
- Leaning down on the fitball with the femoral zone, and resting your hands on the floor is the essence of the exercise in performing push-ups from this position;
- Get away with the abdominal zone on the fitball , while spreading your arms to the sides and at the same time trying to raise the body to the maximum possible height;
- Lying on the fitball (stomach), relax the lower limbs, hanging them to the floor. As you exhale, try to raise your legs to a height that exceeds the parameters of the ball. Depending on the sensations, you can raise your legs alternately or simultaneously.
How to sign up for classes
It is very simple to sign up for physical therapy classes, but first you should undergo a full diagnostic examination, and only then go to a physiotherapist with all the analyzes and conclusions.
The specialist will compare the severity of the clinical picture, determine the stage of the disease, and, on the basis of these data, draw conclusions about the possibility of doing exercise therapy, determine the degree of load, select the necessary elements, etc.
When you receive permission for exercise therapy, the specialist will conduct several demonstration training sessions. And then the patient can do them on his own.
Medical workers of similar qualifications are available in every medical center practicing anti- osteochondrosis therapy.
It will take a long time to get a lasting effect, and the first significant achievements will appear after at least 4 weeks.
But after a six-month period of regular training, the results are consolidated, but in order to finally preserve them, the patient will have to practice daily throughout his life.