Pregnancy: when your back hurts

It is known that during pregnancy, all the functions of a woman’s body are forced to work with increased stress, ensuring the correct development of the baby. It is not surprising that in such harsh conditions, weaknesses in the health of the expectant mother herself are revealed. In particular, with the growth of the fetus, the center of gravity of the body of the pregnant woman herself changes, and pains appear in the spine and lower back. Let’s find out how to help yourself and your faithful friend, the hard worker – the spine to overcome any difficulties on the way of preparation for the moment of the child’s birth.

On the connection: cause – effect.

During pregnancy, the hip -sacral joints, which are usually immobile, begin to relax under the influence of the hormone relaxin so that the baby can pass more easily during labor. This, as well as the enlarged belly, upsets the balance. To compensate for this, you have to move your shoulders back and bend your neck. The bulging of the abdomen so that everyone can notice the mother’s condition only complicates the problem. The result is a severely arched spine, tense lower back muscles, and pain.

If you had problems with the musculoskeletal system before pregnancy :

– rachiocampsis;
– osteochondrosis;
– poor development of the muscles involved in pelvic tilting,

then you are at risk for lumbar and pelvic pain.

When pain appears.

Painful sensations in different women may appear at different periods of pregnancy. As a rule, this does not happen until the second trimester, i.e. from about the fifth month (20 weeks).

However, pain can occur earlier. For example, it depends on the lifestyle that the expectant mother leads. One of my acquaintances, Lyudmila, is now in her third month of pregnancy. She works as a secretary in a government agency and is forced to sit for several hours in a row. The total working day is eight hours. With the exception of a lunch break and the opportunity to leave the workplace several times, the young woman spends too much time sitting at her desk. The result is that she is already complaining of constant back pain.

By the eighth month, when the end of pregnancy is just around the corner, the pain may worsen – and not only because of the growing weight. But also due to the fact that the child’s head can press on the bottom of the spine.

What the numbers say …

According to statistics, the incidence of pain in the spine, lower back and pelvic area during pregnancy is 30-50 percent, and in the postpartum period reaches 65-70 percent.

For prevention.

If the pains, by the way, often called “flying”, have not yet bothered you, then there is a chance that they will not have time to do this. After all, the best thing is, of course, prevention.

Prevent excessive weight gain. The extra pounds only put stress on the spine.
A diet rich in calcium is important. Eat dairy products (cottage cheese, low-fat cheese, yogurt). As well as fish, meat, nuts, herbs.
Don’t wear high-heeled shoes. It does not provide proper foot support. Some doctors recommend wide heels up to 5 cm high.
Wear shoes,
even pumps, only while sitting.
Avoid standing for long periods. If necessary, you should lean with one foot on a low stool or bend your leg at the knee, and that will prevent excessive tension of the sacrum muscles.
Do not stand on solid ground. For example, place a rug under your feet when cooking dinner or washing dishes to prevent slipping.
Sit correctly. The seat puts a lot more stress on the spine than other activities, therefore, proper sitting is

– Try to sit on a chair that has a good backrest for the spine, preferably with a straight back support, armrests (you can lean on them when standing up) and a firm seat to prevent “falling through”.
– Avoid backless stools and benches.
– When sitting, wherever you are, try to never cross your legs. This not only disrupts blood circulation, but also causes too much stress, the bending of the pelvis forward, increases the pain.
– In the car, the seat can be moved forward, which will allow one knee to bend and raise.
Sitting too long can be harmful. It is recommended to sit for no more than 1 hour and then take a break. It is best to set your sitting time to no more than half an hour.

It is recommended to sleep on a firm mattress. A comfortable sleeping position reduces back pain when standing up.

– By the way, orthopedists do not recommend those with at least occasional back pain to use water mattresses.

– The shape of the pillow is important. The ideal pillow is medium.
– When getting up, place both legs on the edge of the bed, lower them to the floor, and do not roll over onto your side.

Do a simple, accessible to all, physical exercise that strengthens the abdominal muscles – “Cat’s back”: get on all fours, and bend your back well. But only in such a way as to feel comfort and even pleasure. Feel like a graceful and flexible pussy!

On other exercises for strengthening the muscles of the back and pelvis, I will not dwell here in detail, you can read about them in our article “Exercises to prepare for childbirth”.


I will make a reservation right away that advice on preventing the onset of pain is perfect for those women for whom the question of the appearance of pain has already become relevant. Indeed, to follow a diet, to sit correctly, to stand is never too late and, most importantly, it is not harmful to learn.

But there are also some features:

1. If you suffer from diseases of the stomach, intestines, which interfere with the absorption of calcium from foods, you need a drug correction of the diet (intake of digestive enzymes, of course, after consultation with your doctor).

2. Try to be more outdoors. In the body, under the influence of sunlight, vitamin D is produced, which is necessary for normal calcium metabolism.

3. With regular pain, drastic measures are required. First of all, you need to take calcium supplements. The dosage is 1000 – 1500 mg per day. Also, talk to your doctor about taking B vitamins.

4. Also, if the pains are no longer “volatile”, but simply began to bother you, limit any physical activity as much as possible.

– If you need to lift any object, be sure to squat down.
– Forget about sudden movements. For example, about the habit of sitting on a chair “from full swing.” Sit on the chair very smoothly.
– Learn to rest. Many back problems multiply stress. If you think this is the main cause of discomfort, then when pain arises, try to relax.

5. If the pain is very severe, ask your doctor about the advisability of using additional therapy, in particular:

– Indomethacin;
– Voltaren (in tablets, suppositories, in the form of an ointment);
– Fastum – gel.

And this is a moot point!

In this case, we mean the use of manual therapy for pain. Now there are works that prove the positive effect of manual therapy. However, such treatment should be carried out only in specialized centers that have experience working with pregnant women, who have their own, proven by many years of experience, scientific base. In any case, before visiting a chiropractor, be sure to consult a neurologist and your attending physician about the need for such treatment.

Dear mothers-to-be, if the troubles described above try to upset the balance of your pregnancy, try not to despair. We sincerely hope that our advice, as well as your persistence in taking care of your health and your future baby, will help you overcome any difficulties. Good luck and happy childbirth!

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