Everyone knows that the human spine is a kind of frame that perceives the main vertical load. For example, with a normal weight of a person, about 60% of the entire load falls on his spine. If a person is overweight, or, for example, at the time when he jumps, the load on the spine increases significantly. The human spine can withstand such loads, but only if they are distributed correctly.
Like any human organ, the spine is predisposed to a number of diseases. These include osteochondrosis, which is a disease that leads to changes at the level of pathologies in the intervertebral discs, cartilage nodes and joints. The cause of these pathologies can be not only injuries suffered by the spine, but also inflammatory processes, as well as circulatory disorders and lymph outflow. A number of scientists are of the opinion that osteochondrosis is not a disease, but just a reaction of the spine that adjusts to the incorrect distribution of loads acting on a person’s movement.
As a result of improper load distribution, the spine changes its shape. The intervertebral disc also changes – it loses its elasticity. Such changes in the spine lead to effects on nerve fibers that originate in the spinal cord. Fibers pinched by narrowed intervertebral spaces swell over time. Their ability to conduct signals from the brain is deteriorating.
For a person, such changes are manifested by numbness of the limbs, discomfort in the back and neck, as well as throbbing pain on the nerve. Particularly serious manifestations include impaired conduction of impulses to the muscles, which can lead to their drying out. Doctors call this process atrophy. In the spine itself, a change in the nature of bone growth occurs. To reduce the load on the vertebra, the bone begins to grow in width, which increases the area of the vertebra. This is where the well-known osteochondrosis arises. The expanding bone narrows the spaces between the vertebrae even more, which entails an increasing pinching of the nerves – the circle closes. As a result, the pain intensifies. Perhaps a change in the patient’s gait, as well as a decrease in performance and resistance to fatigue. Despite the fact that osteochondrosis is a slowly developing disease, human pain does not relieve it.
Osteochondrosis is also distinguished by localization, depending on which several types of it are distinguished:
– Cervical osteochondrosis is characterized by pain in the neck, neck. In addition, this osteochondrosis is characterized by tension in the muscles, restrictions on movement in the neck, shoulders, arms, as well as temporary numbness of the upper limbs. With cervical osteochondrosis, dizziness, nausea, vomiting, noise and ringing in the head and ears are also likely.
– Thoracic osteochondrosis is a type of disease in which pain in the spine is “given” to other parts of the body, for example, to the region of the heart. In this case, you can also feel a headache. Pain in the abdomen is also characteristic, accompanied by intestinal discomfort. With breast osteochondrosis, disorders of the genitourinary system are slightly less common.
– Lumbar osteochondrosis, as the name implies, is characterized by pain in the lumbar region. Often you can observe the “giving” pain in the legs, or only in these limbs. Muscle atrophy is later possible.
If we talk about the treatment of osteochondrosis, then it is necessary to approach it, observing a number of principles:
– The nature of the treatment should be purely individual, because different methods are suitable for different people.
– An integrated approach involves the application of various methods.
– Treatment should be pathogenetic, that is, taking into account the stage of the developed disease.
The traditional methods of treating osteochondrosis include bed rest, traction, special therapeutic massage and gymnastics, taking analgesics, B vitamins, physiotherapy, acupuncture and spa treatment. It is very important to understand that the sooner you start treatment, the greater the chance of a successful response to the disease. Otherwise, you may come across a concept such as spinal surgery.
As in any other case with health, of course, it is best not to wait for the appearance of osteochondrosis, but to prevent it with preventive measures. The danger of this disease is that for a long time a person may not suspect osteochondrosis. An unsuspecting patient may soon experience a sharp exacerbation in the form of severe pain.
Another trouble waiting for patients with osteochondrosis is the lack of the possibility of complete recovery. If such an opportunity exists, then it is quite rare and only at the very early stage of development. The main task posed to the patient and the doctor is related to the need to stop the progression of osteochondrosis, alleviate the symptoms that appear, and also hinder the further development of pathologies.