Pain in the lumbar spine, in the medical language of lumbago, is paroxysmal backache. Most often, the cause of pain in the lumbar region is osteochondrosis. The development of the disease is usually very sharp. For example, a person may somehow uncomfortably turn, and the lower back is already twisting in pain.
The occurrence of pain in this case is due to the fact that the cartilage discs located between the vertebrae lose their shock-absorbing properties. In the absence of treatment and the protracted nature of the disease, pain in the lumbar can even cause injury to the nerve endings.
Most often, such pain affects men aged thirty to fifty years. The impetus for the development of pain in the lumbar are hypothermia or overheating, excessive physical stress and an uncomfortable sharp movement of the back.
Patients themselves characterize these painful sensations as tearing, pulsating, shooting. In the process of exacerbation of pain in the lumbar region, a person is forced to freeze in the most comfortable position in which the pain calms down at least a little. Any movement during an attack only intensifies pain, muscle spasm occurs. Patients themselves suffering from such pains describe them as pulse beats in the spine, accompanied by painful sensations.
Another manifestation of pain in the lumbar is a significant restriction of movement in this area. If a person tries to move muscles in the area of the spine, this invariably leads to unbearable pain. With a calm position of the lower back, the pain practically disappears, but with the slightest muscle tension returns again. Over time, pain can turn into the category of chronic diseases. In some cases, acute lumbago may be observed.
Diagnosing pain in the lumbar spine
The diagnosis of this disorder is based on such manifestations that accompany pain in the lumbar region, such as severe headache and limited motor activity of the back in the lumbar region. In the process of diagnosis , an x-ray study of the lower back is performed to differentiate the manifestations of this disorder from a neoplasm that compresses the spinal nerves.
How to eliminate pain in the lumbar spine
First of all, to eliminate the painful manifestations, it is necessary to appoint a strict bed rest. The surface on which the patient is located must be solid. To eliminate the pain, you can resort to the help of painkillers, novocaine blockade and sedatives.
When an aggravation of manifestations occurs and the pain reaches its climax, physicians are especially strongly advised to adhere to the principle of dietary nutrition, which implies the restriction of smoked, salty and spicy. It is necessary to abandon fatty meat and lard. With an exacerbation of the disease, it is useful to eat vegetables and cereals.
To suppress the inflammatory process, physiotherapeutic procedures are prescribed – irradiation with ultraviolet rays until the skin turns red, electric currents and other measures. In addition, a therapeutic massage is performed to eliminate muscle tension.
As local remedies, ointments and creams are used that relieve pain. These medications should be carefully rubbed into the affected area. If necessary, resort to the procedure of stretching the spine, for example, on special simulators. After the patient’s condition improves, therapeutic exercises and swimming are prescribed.