Scoliosis is a curvature of the spine. Pediatric scoliosis in modern orthopedics is an extremely common disease. Children’s scoliosis is considered a relatively young disease, since its onset marks the second half of the twentieth century. This phenomenon is associated with the fact that humanity is experiencing acceleration, that is, the accelerated development of bones and muscles of children. Moreover, the peculiarity of this phenomenon is that the development of muscle tissue is slower than the growth of bone tissue.
What can lead to the development of childhood scoliosis
– mainly the development of childhood scoliosis threatens subsequent curvature of the spine and curvature of the chest and pelvic bones;
– in addition, pathological changes in bone tissue lead to the development of deformation of all organs. This causes a malfunction of systems such as cardiovascular, gastrointestinal, renal and so on.
With a disorder of normal blood circulation, for example, in the vessels of the brain, a disorder of brain functions can occur. In the case of childhood scoliosis, this phenomenon is often expressed in a worsening of immunity and adaptability. In other words, it becomes difficult for the child to adapt and get used to various changes in the environment, for example, within the school and class team, in the family, and surrounded by peers.
For many years, exercise therapy (physiotherapy exercises) has been used to prevent the development of childhood scoliosis, as well as to treat the disease. In addition, it is necessary that the child respects the correct mode of work and rest. The sedentary lifestyle, unfortunately, has become a real scourge of the modern child – children are increasingly sitting in front of televisions, computers. In this regard, it is necessary to introduce swimming, gymnastics, dancing and other sports into the child’s lifestyle.
However, the listed measures for the prevention and treatment of childhood scoliosis are not enough. Many modern clinics successfully practice the most modern methods of rehabilitation at different stages of childhood scoliosis. Of course, only proven and safe methods that do not have any side effects are used to treat children. In particular, among such techniques is manual therapy.
Specialists carry out such procedures without sudden movements – jerking, striking – very delicately and carefully. On average, one manual therapy procedure for treating childhood scoliosis takes about an hour. During the procedure, the therapeutic effect is not only on the spine, but also on tissues close to it – muscles, joints and ligaments. The therapeutic course consists of several procedures that do not hurt the child. As a rule, ten procedures of manual therapy are included in the course, this is enough to eliminate discomfort in childhood scoliosis. Courses of therapeutic measures are recommended to be repeated. The regularity of the courses depends on the age of the patient and on the degree of development of scoliosis. Usually spend several courses annually.
In conjunction with the treatment of childhood scoliosis, specialists are involved in the treatment of pathologies such as herniated discs, osteochondrosis, arthrosis, migraines and more. Manual therapy is especially effective in the treatment of childhood scoliosis in combination with exercise therapy and physiotherapy procedures.
Summing up, we can say that the problem of childhood scoliosis, despite the high prevalence of the disease, is solved. The main task of parents is to timely recognize the presence of deviations in the child and take appropriate measures to eliminate them .