The causes of neck pain can be of a different nature, ranging from mechanical damage to internal or external tissues, and ending with the presence of a tumor or systemic disease like rheumatoid arthritis or ankylosing spondylitis. In any case, the causes of pain in the neck can be divided into pathological and eliminated. The nature of the pain can also be different: local, radiating (that is, radiating to other parts of the body, arm, for example), spasmodic (caused by sagging tissues, muscle spasm, for example, after a long sleep in an uncomfortable position). If the pain persists for a long time, then you should consult a doctor (orthopedist or surgeon).
In general, pain in the cervical spine is called cervicalgia. The most common causes of neck pain are associated with the inflammatory process and muscle spasm in the neck. In second place in frequency are injuries, for example, during rotational head rotations that occur in accidents. In this case, pain may not develop immediately, but a day or two after the accident. In third place were degenerative changes in the cervical spine, which are associated either with the age of the patient or with prolonged physical exertion on the shoulder girdle. Due to prolonged tension, the muscles and ligaments of the neck can be injured or stretched, which is very painful. Summer and office causes neck pain
A prolonged stay in one position can also provoke pain in this area. Modern people are usually tormented by long sitting at a computer screen in an uncomfortable static position. In summer, lumbago may appear in the neck due to the fact that people often because of the heat sit under a directed stream of conditioned cold air, or under a fan. At the same time, the muscles are cooled, spasmodic, due to which the normal circulation of the cervical zone is disturbed, and, as they say, blows off the neck. All of the above causes of neck pain are disposable, just a small local treatment is enough.
Degenerative changes in the cervical spine
But degenerative changes in the cervical spine are pathological reasons. Basically, people suffer from diseases such as osteoarthrosis and osteochondrosis. Clinically, they are expressed in wear and further damage to the intervertebral joints of the cervical spine. At the same time, severe pain occurs at the site of damage, which may not subside for a long time, forcing a person to take forced poses and limit motor activity. The neck can also hurt in the presence of osteochondrotic changes in the thoracic spine. In this case, the pain will be dull, aching, intensify when you take a certain position in space. With fibromyalgia, there can be several pain points.
Physical activity will cause an instant deterioration in the well-being of a person. Neck pain may be accompanied by tinnitus, dizziness and headache, nausea, loss of sensation in some parts of the body, such as fingers. Similar pain in the neck can also radiate to the shoulder blades, arms, even to the area of the heart. The mobility of the neck is greatly limited, and when turning the head, noise and crunching will be heard. Causes of neck pain such as intervertebral hernia can cause a person to be disabled. Injury to the intervertebral disc can cause pinching of the nerve bundles, resulting in decreased reflex activity, sensitivity and muscle strength.
Systemic Causes of Neck Pain
Systemic diseases, benign and malignant tumors, proliferation of metastases in the spine can cause neck pain. Most often, metastases in this area produce cancer of the prostate, thyroid, breast, kidney, lung, and skin. If there are no external reasons for the development of pain in the neck, then it is worthwhile to contact a specialist as soon as possible to schedule an examination. Sometimes the neck may hurt not in the back, but in the front. The causes of pain in the neck of this nature should be sought in violations of the cardiovascular work (a person may have angina pectoris or develop a heart attack). Similar pain can be with a pharyngeal abscess and inflammatory processes in the brain. Cervical myelopathy can be accompanied by neck pain, in which there is a narrowing of the spinal canal, thyroiditis of various origins, as well as depressive disorder.