Osteochondrosis is a systemic disease of the musculoskeletal system, which is manifested by a complex of degenerative changes in the cartilage and a violation of the metabolism of cartilage. The main and, according to experts, the main reason leading to the development of osteochondrosis is a sedentary, sedentary lifestyle. Due to the decrease in the frequency and volume of movements in the spinal column, desolation and atrophy of the vessels supplying the intervertebral discs occur, which causes their degradation. Violation of posture and overweight also negatively affect the condition of the cartilage, that is, are the background on which the development of osteochondrosis is possible.
Clinical signs of osteochondrosis
The disease is primarily characterized by a decrease in the cushioning ability of the intervertebral cartilage. Their subsidence occurs, as a result of which the patient has constant aching back pain, the sensitivity of the limbs decreases. When committing any action, the pain intensifies, the volume of possible movements decreases. With concomitant damage to the nerve roots, muscle hypotension develops with a violation of their trophism.
In osteochondrosis , the lumbosacral spine is most often affected, since it is precisely this part of the spinal column that has the greatest load. As a result of an increase in the load and a decrease in the depreciation capacity of the cartilage, a decrease in the distance between the vertebrae develops, which leads to the infringement of the spinal nerves through the intervertebral openings. Due to the infringement of the nerves, both the afferent and efferent innervation of the limbs is disturbed, which causes the development of atrophy, hypotension, numbness of the limbs.
A common sign of osteochondrosis is the formation of intervertebral hernias. They are formed as a result of destruction of the disc tissue and the exit of the internal substance, the pulpous nucleus, beyond the spinal column.
An intervertebral hernia can go to the side of the spinal cord and infringe it (complicated hernia), or go sideways or outward (uncomplicated hernia). As a result, the innervation of organs and limbs lying below the infringement site is almost completely disrupted, which can lead to severe violations and even death.
Osteochondrosis Treatment
In the vast majority of cases, osteochondrosis is treated on an outpatient basis, at home. Inpatient treatment is resorted to only in case of intense pain, or with the threat of infringement. Treatment of osteochondrosis is a conservative therapy aimed at eliminating pain and improving nutrition in affected tissues.
The treatment course includes such procedures as massage, reflexology, manual therapy, traction, physiotherapy, kinesitherapy.
Drug therapy involves the use of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, analgesics. Medications are used mainly in the acute period of the disease. Outside the period of exacerbation, priority is given to non-drug methods of therapy, in particular, exercise therapy, massage, reflexology.
Surgical treatment is resorted to only in the most emergency cases, when there is a threat to the patient’s life due to pain shock, or as a result of a malfunction of vital organs. Surgery has goals such as relieving infringement and eliminating pain with the prevention of pain shock.
Conclusion: osteochondrosis is a disease of sedentary people and the elderly. To avoid its development, it is recommended to lead an active lifestyle from a young age. Proper and healthy nutrition, as well as physical education will help delay or even prevent the occurrence of osteochondrosis.