Osteochondrosis in women is basically no different from osteochondrosis in men. The disease leads to malnutrition in cartilage and bone, and because of this, the intervertebral discs are compacted and thinned. Vertebrae squeeze the nerve roots, causing inflammation and pain in the respective areas.
The main symptoms of osteochondrosis in women
Symptoms of osteochondrosis in women depend on how much of the spine is affected. The main symptom is pain in the relevant area, but there are also specific signs that are characteristic only for certain forms of the disease. For example, with cervical osteochondrosis bother:
- headaches,
- dizziness
- feeling stiff in the neck
- pain in arms and shoulders
- numbness of fingers
There may be a surge in blood pressure, tinnitus, deteriorating eyesight.
Chest osteochondrosis is manifested by pains when raising the arms up, bending and unpleasant sensations during inhalation and exhalation. If the corresponding nerve roots are compressed, there is a feeling of pain in the region of the heart, which is confused with the symptoms of cardiovascular disease.
The defeat of the lumbosacral can be expressed in numbness, tingling and “backache” of the legs, feeling excessive undiminished tension of the back muscles. Sometimes patients are bothered by the annoying goosebumps on the skin. In addition, women’s lumbar osteochondrosis is characterized by menstrual disorders and the appearance of varicose veins of the lower extremities.
Features manifestations of osteochondrosis in women
Despite the fact that the symptoms diseases of the spine in men and women are similar, there are some features that are associated with gender.
For example, cervical osteochondrosis in women is more common than among men. This is due to the features of the anatomy: the muscles of the shoulder girdle of men allows you to securely support the cervical spine.
Does not add health to the spine pregnancy with the subsequent period of care for a baby. The increased load on the lower back during pregnancy manifests itself by the onset or exacerbation of lumbosacral osteochondrosis, and the prolonged wearing of a born baby in your arms, joint night sleep in an uncomfortable position during breastfeeding further aggravate the problem.
The cause of osteochondrosis in women, many articles about health indicate hormonal age-related changes: due to a lack of hormones after menopause in the cartilage tissues, metabolic and nutritional processes slow down.