Osteochondrosis is a common disease that affects both young people and the elderly. The causes of osteochondrosis can be different, and the symptoms are most often the same: back pain, numbness of the extremities, impaired motor function, and the location of one shoulder above the other. Special exercises can help get rid of unpleasant and painful symptoms, as well as prevent the development of this disease.
Fitness training for patients with osteochondrosis
Treatment and prophylaxis osteochondrosis consists mainly in increasing the number of jelly-like foods and foods rich in calcium in the diet, as well as in performing special exercises of therapeutic and health-improving physical training. All these measures can be carried out independently at home, if there are no following contraindications:
- acute diseases of the back and musculoskeletal system;
- acute inflammations and infections;
- postinfarction condition;
- hypertension.
For the treatment and prevention of osteochondrosis in the lumbar spine, it is necessary to perform special training movements that help strengthen the muscles of the lower back and relieve hypertonia in them:
- Lie belly down on the floor, pull out the upper and lower limbs. Then take a breath and at the same time raise your arms and legs, bending at the waist and stretching the limbs as far forward and upward as possible. Exhale, lower the limbs to the floor and relax. While doing this Exercises The spine flexes in the lumbar region, allowing the muscles of the lumbar region to relax.
- Continuing to lie on the floor on the stomach, it is necessary to separate the upper limbs on the sides. Then, taking a breath, at the same time raise the arms and legs, stooping in the waist and reducing the shoulder blades. At the extreme point of lifting the limbs, you need to linger for 2-4 seconds, and then exhale and lie on the floor with your whole body.
- Lying on the floor, rest your palms on the floor at chest level. From this position it is necessary to lift the upper part of the body, bending backwards and reducing the shoulder blades. This exercise stretches the muscles of the back and abdomen, creating favorable conditions for them to relax.
To increase the mobility of the spine, it is necessary to include such training movements in the therapeutic and fitness fitness training:
- Lie on your back, lower limbs bend and rest with heels on the floor, pointing socks stop up. In this position, one heel should be directed first upwards and then the other, thereby causing the involuntary movement of the vertebrae in the lumbar region.
- Lying on your back, spread the upper limbs to the sides and lift and bend the legs. Then it is necessary to carry out turns of the body in a waist, directing legs to the opposite side (at the same time the head should be turned towards the lower extremities).
For the treatment and prevention of osteochondrosis in the cervical spine, it is necessary to regularly perform the following exercise: lie down on your back, lower limbs bend and flatten your feet one to one, spreading your knees to the sides. Then, leaning on the elbows and the upper part of the torso, you need to raise the pelvis and try to bring the knees apart on the sides to the shoulders, fixing the position of the body at the extreme point. To return to the original horizontal position, you should gently lower first the upper back, then the lower back and then the pelvis on the floor, and at the last moment put and stretch the legs. This exercise effectively relieves the load from the neck.
Effective exercises for herniated intervertebral
Discomfort in osteochondrosis may be aggravated by the presence of an intervertebral hernia. To decrease pain and to prevent the occurrence of other unpleasant symptoms, it is necessary to regularly conduct special fitness training at home. These exercises should include such exercises, repeated 8 times:
- Lie flat on your back, stretch your lower limbs. Next, you need to pull the socks in the direction away from you and yourself.
- Continuing to lie on your back, alternately bend and unbend the knees, stimulating this exercise to increase the motor activity of the joints in the lower spine.
- Lying on your back, raise one straight leg to the level of its perpendicularity with the floor, and then lower it. Repeat the training movement, raising the other lower limb.
- In the same position, legs bend and rest with feet against the floor, then lift one leg and, without straightening the knee, reach the heel to the opposite knee. Such twisting movements in a fitness workout make it easier for back pain.
Treatment and prevention of osteochondrosis with isometric exercises and massage
Very often, the treatment and prevention of osteochondrosis are carried out with the help of massage and regular isothermal exercises. They strengthen the muscles of the cervical region, reduce the risk of the appearance of unpleasant and painful symptoms of osteochondrosis, and also alleviate the condition of the patient during acute attacks of this disease.
Isothermal exercises include the following training movements:
- Stand straight or sit down, keep your back and head straight, raise one hand above your head and put your palm, placing it on top, on the opposite temple. This position should be like trying to tilt your head with your hand. Then in this position you need to try to tilt your head to the palm, overcoming the resistance created by the hand.
- Keeping your head straight, pin your fingers into the lock and attach them to your forehead. Then, holding the head, it is necessary to attempt to tilt the neck forward, overcoming the resistance of the arms. This isothermal element of a fitness workout is an excellent prevention of osteochondrosis and relieves tension from the neck during a long static position of the head.
- Keeping your head straight, turn it to the side. At the extreme point of the turn, you need to fix the head with your hands for 8-10 seconds, feeling the tension in the lateral muscles of the neck. Then turn your head to a straight position, relax and repeat the whole sequence of actions in the other direction.
As a massage, in addition to the exercises, you can perform the following movements:
- stroking palms neck from top to bottom;
- circular rubbing movements of the neck;
- point jerky movements with the fingers in the neck area.