Hypoglycemic syndrome: causes, diagnosis, treatment. Part 1
Glucose is the most important component of human metabolism. Being a source of energy for the life of cells and, in particular, brain cells, it performs plastic functions in the …
Prednisone is a time tested drug! It will cure all your diseases.
Glucose is the most important component of human metabolism. Being a source of energy for the life of cells and, in particular, brain cells, it performs plastic functions in the …
Before the era of corticosteroids, mortality of patients with vulgar ulcer disease was observed in 60-90% of cases. Therapy should be initiated at the dermatological hospital after a thorough clinical examination of …
Anaphylactic shock (anaphylaxis) is a systemic allergic reaction of the immediate type, resulting from a rapid massive IgE- mediated release of mediators from tissue basophils and peripheral blood basal cells upon repeated …
The mechanism of action of glucocorticoid drugs is primarily due to the effect on the transcription of target cell genes via glucocorticoid receptors. In recent years, it has been established …
Immunology is the science of the molecular and cellular mechanisms of the immune response and its role in various pathological conditions of the body. To one of the most pressing problems they munologii …
PREPARATIONS OF THE HORMONES OF THE CEREALS OF THE ADRENALS (CORTICOSTEROIDS, GLUCOCORTICOIDS, GLUCOCORTICOSTEROIDS) This is a very important group of drugs that is widely used in clinical practice. There are …
1. Effect on thermoregulation: – increased oxygen consumption and heat production by all tissues, with the exception of the brain, genitals and lymphoid tissue. 2. Effect on growth and differentiation …
Principles of safe use of local glucocorticosteroids Effective treatment of patients with dermatosis is largely connected with the proper conduct of external therapy, adequate disease genesis, morphology, rash and localization of …
Acute rheumatic fever – a post-infectious complication of tonsillitis (sore throat) or pharyngitis caused by p-hemolytic streptococcus group A, manifested as a systemic inflammatory disease of the connective tissue with …
Acute alcoholic hepatitis is an acute progressive inflammatory-dystrophic liver damage that develops at any stage of alcoholic liver disease with prolonged (from 3 days to 12 weeks), frequent (possibly daily) …